Page 8 of Heart Wrecker

"I'm an accountant working for the FDA. I'm divorced and have two kids, a boy and a girl. Would you like to grab some coffee or lunch sometime?"

I gulped down the rest of my glass of wine, then placed my hand on his chest, "I don't think so, Daemon. It was fun in your backseat, but that was fifteen years ago."

The look on Daemon's face as I walked away made me feel bad for being so bitchy, but only for half a second. My brazen and careless side always crept to the surface when I had too many glasses of wine. Not seeing Billy Cooper at the reunion also fueled my disappointment, which turned into anger.

"I need to get laid," I thought as the night went on. By the time Hailey and Austin hugged me and Sarah and left the bar, it was 11 pm. Sarah was just as trashed as I was then, but we didn't want to end the night and go home. So, after we got an Uber ride to the Pink Pussy Dollhouse, a strip club in Washington, DC.

"My prick-soon-to-be-ex-husband goes to this place and spends lots of money on the strippers. I've always been curious to see what the hoopla is all about," Sarah told me in the Uber driver's car.

Before we climbed out of the car, we pinky swore to each other that if Nate were there, we would ignore him. Sarah seemed to relish confrontation, and if she made a scene, she didn't care.

We could hear the music from inside the club when we walked toward the building in a dimly lit area in the seedy and dangerous part of the city. There was a big sign above the doors lit up in pink neon with "Pink Pussy Dollhouse." We approached the man who stood in front of the black double doors. He was tall and muscular, with long brown hair and a beard, and wore a black leather vest with patches sewn into it.

His arms were covered in tattoos, and I realized then that the menacing-looking man was a motorcycle gang member.

I grabbed Sarah's arm as fear crept in and whispered, "Are you sure this is safe? I've heard bad things about these kind of men."

Sarah giggled, "I've known a few men that were bikers, and yeah, they can be very intimidating, but if you don't act stupid or disrespectful, they can be big teddy bears."

I didn't know a thing about bikers and their code or way of life, but I was brave enough to throw caution out the window.

The man was grinning from ear to ear when we stepped up to the bouncer and handed him our Driver's Licenses.

"So, you two gorgeous ladies want to get into trouble tonight?" He asked, his voice a deep rumble.

"Sure!" We said in unison and giggled like two teenagers.

He handed our licenses back to us, then opened the door and stepped aside for us to enter.

I smelled tanning lotion mingled with cigarette and cigar smoke as I followed Sarah through the entranceway of the club, and the pounding drum beat of Def Leppard's song "Pour Some Sugar On Me" blared from an extensive sound system.

This was my first experience being inside a strip club, so, of course, my eyes steered straight to the main stage where a beautiful woman with long jet-black hair and a shapely body, her arms, thighs, and lower back tattooed in floral designs. She danced around the pole seductively, wearing only a pair of Clear Stiletto Platform Sandals and a black thong. I was fascinated by the woman's self-confidence in being nude in front of strangers, something that I could never be brave enough to do.

I took Sarah's hand as we meandered through a small crowd of boisterous men wearing suits with loosened ties. We reached the long bar on the left side of the club, where a woman behind it was pouring pitchers of beer. When she handed the pitchers to a scantily clad waitress, she approached us and asked what we'd like to drink.

Sarah ordered a couple of Mojitos, and we stood by the bar watching a new dancer on the main stage. I gulped down two Mojitos way too quickly and turned to face the bar and place my glass down, ready to order a third one, when I felt someone's hand grab my right butt cheek. I spun around too quickly and staggered to see one of the men in a business suit standing behind me with a wide grin on his face.

"How about a lap dance, baby girl." The man slurred. He looked old enough to be my father as he swayed slightly due to being plastered.

A small crowd of four men stood a short distance away and hooted and whistled, ogling Sarah and me.

If I were sober, I would have told the man to step back and leave me alone. But then again, I wouldn't have even been in a strip club.

Sarah gasped when I slapped him across the cheek.

"That's what you get for touching me, you drunk idiot!" I barked at him as his four friends all started to laugh.

The man touched his cheek and snapped. I almost tripped on my heels when he grabbed my arms and jerked me to him.

"I pay good money in this place to get a lap dance or blow-job from one of you whores!" He roared, and the last thing I expected was the stinging slap across my left cheek.

Sarah screamed as the world began to spin when he let go of my arms.

Then, my face collided with a muscular chest and black leather.

First, I saw patches sewn into the front of a leather vest.

Vice President.