She turned and looked at the design, laughing. “I guess this makes Dmitri my dad. It would certainly explain why there is a bear in the middle of the design.”

He hugged her. “He’s an odd one.”

“He has to be. He’s marrying my sister.”

“Oh, they want to meet as you are to be her maid of honour.”

“Ah, right. The wedding. I am interested in finding out how the arrangements are carried out.”

His mother said, “People have weddings on the islands all the time. Perhaps they would be amenable to having it here.”

“They probably would be, but they would have friends come as well. With their kids.”

“You have friends with children?”

“Yes.” She smiled. “I have a few friends.”

Revakka sighed. “Bear with me. I haven’t seen Jeron like this before. He was so serious after his father died. His entire focus was just keeping the island safe, but then he started getting messages three years ago, and then he started smiling again and playing with his siblings. It was a relief, but I never linked his behaviour with growing up until he explained that he had gotten a membership with that agency.”

“I was registered for months before a compatible patron was found. My own energy signature is unsettling, and I found his soothing. So, we went on a first date with his identity and mine concealed, and then we continued whenever possible.”

Revakka asked about the mask and the rules, and that was all that Xeva was able to tell her.

His mother said, “So, it wasn’t sordid?”

“No, it was formal, regulated, and we each agreed to everything that went on between us.” She shrugged. “And we continued dating even when physical activity wasn’t possible. At that point, he knew who I was, but I was mostly unaware of his identity.”


“I had heard him speak before the incident. I was familiar with his voice. It is rather distinctive.”

Revakka nodded. “It is. So, will you get a tattoo?”

“The family one? Yes, if I can. My body is funny when it comes to some things.”

“I think Jeron is sending the design to the artist to have it worked into a more traditional setting. It will go on your back. Family always has your back.”

Xeva was about to comment when something dark came toward her on silent wings. She held out her arm, and the bird thudded to her forearm. “Kaiso. Hey, baby girl. You are looking good.”

Jeron walked up again and smiled. “She remembers you.”

Xeva stroked the slick black feathers of the night-flying predator. She smiled. “Of course, she does. I did her nails.”

Revakka asked, “You can handle her?”

“She and I have an agreement. She stops trying to get Jeron into her nest, and I won’t show her what other weapons I can manifest.”

“Where did you meet her?”

“Jeron brought her on a date about a year ago.” A warm hand on her back made her smile.

Jeron rubbed her back. “She needed a distraction. She was stuck in a world of calm, so I showed her how the calm could benefit her. I brought Kaiso, and Xeva brought snacks.”

“Hey, sweet girl. Do you want to go get yourself a snack? I can hold you while you eat.”

Kaiso clacked her deadly beak and flexed her claws. She opened her wings and lifted her chin. Xeva sighed and scratched her chin and behind her ears.

In a few minutes, the wings widened, and Xeva launched her skyward. The soft wings beat, and the night hunter sought the sky, slowly circling as she got ready to kill.