I’ve turned into a grade A fucking stalker. Kennedy is across the street, and I can't seem to take my eyes off of her. I'm so glad Rhylie doesn't have shit on her windows. It gives me a clear view of her. Like right now, she’s talking to all the girls at the front. Every time I see her, it's like my heart is beating out of my chest. She already owns all of me, and she doesn't even know it yet. My thoughts roar out MINE anytime I get a glimpse of her. Her smile lights up the darkest days, and her twinkling laugh does things to my heart and dick. I know when I finally get her in my arms, there's not a chance in fucking hell that I will ever let her go. I can’t wait till I can get a ring on her finger to tie her to me in all ways. She is as pure as they come because no man would let her go if they ever had her. What I should be doing instead of stalking is working on a custom bike right now, but I can’t seem to pull myself away. The thought of not being near her makes panic set in if I'm not watching. That something is going to happen to her. Maybe I should just go in and order another coffee and some of those amazing sweets, and maybe I'll get my Kennedy fix for the hour. I'm about to ask the guys if they want a coffee when Lucas interrupts my thoughts.

“You gonna stand there and look at her all day, or are you going to get your head out of your ass and do something about it this time? Because from where I'm standing, you're going to be 90 and still being a creepy fucking bastard looking at her across the street.” Lucas says behind me while working on a bike. No doubt he’s not even looking at me; the insightful bastard doesn't miss a thing. It’s no secret amongst the guys that Kennedy is mine. They give me shit about her every day about making my move, or so far, the lack of one.

I turn around and cross my arms while looking at him. I can see Damon coming over from the back, ready to put his two cents in as well. These guys gossip worse than the girls, especially when all four of them get together. “She’s scared of me, man. Every time she sees me, she runs away.” Scrubbing my hands down my face in frustration. I don’t want her to fear me at all; what I want is for her to fall in love with me. Fuck, I may sound like a pussy, but I'm already in love with my little fairy princess.

The first time I saw Kennedy in the cafe, I knew she was going to be mine. I felt it right down to my soul. She’s so little that I want to hide her away from all the dirty fuckers in the world so they can't look at her. Every time I get a glimpse of her, she brings so much light into my world that the darkness I carry slowly fades away. The level of possessiveness I feel towards her is unlike I've ever felt before. She’s so tiny and has enough curves for me to hold on to when I’m pounding into her from behind. Since the first day I saw her, I've been a walking hard on. My dick is now raw and is no longer satisfied with my hand. It wants only her and won’t be satisfied until I make her mine. I spent my fair share of days in the dark when I was in the army serving my country. Once I got out, I didn’t know where I was going to land, and with no family to speak of, I set out in search of something. I got on my bike and just took off until I found this town. It's where I found Lucas and Damon, and in them, I found my home. I brought my bike in to get fixed and saw the help wanted sign and the rest is history. Watching all the guys with their wives, I knew I was missing something; I wanted what they had, and I knew it the moment I found it, just looking at Kennedy. Now I just need to get my little fairy across the street to give me a chance.

“She’s not scared of you, man. She’s just extremely shy, maybe even more so than Skylar, and that's saying something. Well, she's shyer with you, but when she looks at you when you're not looking, she’s not looking at you in fear. She looks at you, how Sky looks at me with stars in her eyes, like you're the answer to all her prayers. You're just going to have to take your time with certain things. But Lucas is right. Don’t waste time going after her, otherwise someone will come along and sweep her off her feet before you can do it.” Damon says while Lucas grunts his agreement.

“Like that will ever fucking happen. I’d kill anyone who thinks they can take her from me. Kennedy is mine, and when she’s done with work, I’ll talk to her.” I growl out. Just the thought of someone getting to her before I do makes my blood boil. Kennedy will want for nothing. She is mine to worship, and I plan to give her the world.

“About fucking time. Maybe now you'll get some work done and stop stalking her from the window.” Lucas says while laughing. The fucker.

“Like you two are any better with your wives across the street. Hell, Mason and Victor are across the street most of the time as well.” They both just look at me as if to ask what my point is, making me shake my head.

“Speaking of my wife, I'm going to pick up our coffees. I'll make sure I tell Kennedy hi from you.” Lucas says while laughing his ass off like a little girl as he walks out the door even though he saw her an hour ago. I know once I get Kennedy to be mine, I'm going to be just as bad as the guys, never wanting to be away from her for very long. Hell, who am I kidding? I'm like that now and I don't even have her yet.

“Alright, lover boy, let's get back to work so we can get out of here on time. You have a woman to claim later.” Damon laughs as he walks to the back to finish what he was doing.

Taking one last look at the window, I see her looking back at me. I send her a smile, and it's a smile full of promise, one that says, be ready, Kennedy. I'm coming for you, and I plan to make you mine.

Too many fucking hours later, and I'm just closing up. It was like the universe was laughing at me with how slowly the time went. The guys left a while ago to be with their families. Knowing I was sticking around for Kennedy, I finished the bike I was working on. I can see Kennedy get into her car and try to start it, but it's making a god-awful noise, and it's not turning over at all for her. I finish locking up and make my way across the street to see what’s going on. The thought of getting to drive her home has me marching faster across the street. Any time I get to spend with her tonight is welcome. Making it to the driver's side window, I see she has her head against the steering wheel, not aware of her surroundings. I tap on her window, and she lets out a girly scream, and now I feel like a dick for scaring her. I'm going to have to have a talk with her about being aware of her surroundings. She turns her head with her eyes wide and her hand on her chest, but once she sees it's me, she blows out a relieved breath and opens her door.

Her face goes red as she looks at me with her hand still placed over her heart. “You scared me, Walker.” She whispers out.

“I'm sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. Once I heard the noise your car was making, I came over to see if you needed any help.” I'm praying that she will let me help her and take her home, maybe even get to take her out for something to eat after this.

“I've been meaning to get it looked at. Honestly, I'm surprised it even lasted this long, to be honest. Even when I started my car this morning, I knew it was inevitable. I guess I’ll call a tow and find my way home.” She’s getting shy on me again and won't look me in the eye, and that just won’t do. By the end of the night, she’s going to know that I would do anything for her.

I pull out my phone and send a text to Zack, who owns the towing company in town and garage, telling him where the car is and for him to send the bill to me. She’s going to be pissed when she finds out that I'm paying for it, but I'll cross that bridge when we get to it. I place my phone back in my pocket and look over at Kennedy, who's watching me from under her lashes. Since coming over here, her pretty blush hasn't left her face, and it makes me wonder how far down it goes and what else I can do to see it. “There, I sent Zack a message. He will be by later to pick up your car and have it fixed for you. Why don't you grab your things and I can take you home?”

She nibbles on her bottom lip, making my dick hard. “Are you sure you don’t mind?”

“Trust me when I say this, Kennedy; there’s nowhere else I would rather be than here with you right now. So no, I don’t mind taking you home.” I watch a few emotions splay across her face until she graces me with the most beautiful smile, and I know ‌everything is going to be just fine.

“Okay, thank you, Walker.”

She turns to bend over and grabs her bag inside, and the sight of her ass sticking up has me groaning low, making me adjust my dick so I don’t scare her. Once she has it locked up, she turns to me, and I can’t resist grabbing her hand. But once I do, an electrical current runs throughout my whole body, and I know she felt it too as I watch her body shiver. We walk across the street in silence until we reach my truck, and I open the passenger side door for her. Before she can attempt to get in herself, I pick her up by her waist and place her gently in the seat, not wanting her to get hurt trying to get in. Not being able to help myself, I lean over her and grab her seatbelt and snap it into place, almost groaning at the smell of her. She smells like the sweets that she bakes. Once it's in place, I pull back to look her in the eyes, and it's like she's looking right into my soul. God, she's beautiful. Her eyes are showing so much that she's not able to say. Not being able to help myself, I place a soft kiss on her forehead, letting my lips linger. She sucks in a deep breath, and I know she’s just as affected as I am.

“Walker,” she says my name like a prayer, like she doesn’t want me to stop.

I pull back, sending her a wink and closing her door and rounding the front, and getting in. I start the truck and pull out of the parking lot. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see that she's nervous. “Are you hungry, Kennedy? I was going to stop at the diner on the way home. Unless you just want me to take you home, it’s up to you.” I'm hoping she says yes, because I'm not ready to let her go just yet.

She lets out a little laugh. “That’s where I was going before my car died on me. I would love to go with you. It’s been a long day, and something greasy is calling my name.”

I pull into the diner parking lot a few minutes later and shut off the engine. I hop out and come around to open her door, helping her down. “Let’s get you fed, and I'll take you home so you can rest. We will just consider this our first date, and the next one, I'll take you somewhere else.” I watch her open and close her mouth a few times at the word date, making me chuckle.

It only takes her a few seconds to think about it before she graces me with another one of her beautiful smiles, knocking me on my ass with her words. “I would love to go on another date with you, Walker.”

I place another kiss on her forehead because I can’t seem to help myself. “Thank fuck, because I plan to take you on a lifetime of dates.”


A balanced diet is having a cupcake in each hand.

Today has been a long and draining one. All day, my thoughts were on one man and one man only, so it took me twice as long to get things made. I had to throw out two batches of cookies before I realized I had used the wrong ingredients. That's never happened to me before. I felt so bad until and kept apologizing until Isabella told me not to worry about it. That she completely understands how I'm feeling. She told me not to hold back from Walker to show him I love him. She told me she loved Victor the moment she saw him and not to let fear control me, that loving him and him loving me will be a beautiful thing. I went to dispute her, but I closed my mouth and couldn't because I think I've been in love with him since the first moment I met him. The way he makes me feel is like I'm floating on a cloud, so light and happy, like all I see is sunshine and rainbows as cheesy as that sounds. I want the love my friends have found. Where you would do anything for that person who your every thought is on. You live and breathe for them.

He makes me think about what it would be like to be married to him and have his babies who would look just like him. To wonder what it would feel like being wrapped up in his arms at night just holding me. I know without a doubt I would feel safe and loved. I want him to be my first in all things. Now, if only I could stop being a walking tomato around him who turns mute every time he comes around, that would be nice. After I talked to the girls this morning, I know the next chance I get, I'm going to talk to him or at least try to, and a few hours later, I get my chance thanks to my car breaking down.