James pulls her to his side and you can see the love he has for her. “Baby, they just got engaged. Give them time.” He walks over to us, shaking my hand and hugging Kennedy. “I'm happy for you, princess.”
“Thank you, daddy. Will you walk me down the aisle?” You can see the moment her words hit because I think this will be the one and only time I see James cry. Though if brought up, he would deny it.
He wipes his tears and clears his throat a few times. “It would be an honor to walk you down. I love you, Kennedy.”
“I love you too.” Kennedy wipes her tears. James walks back over to Lillian and wraps her in a hug. I've never had a family, but this right here is what family is about.
Bringing my Angel back into my arms where she belongs, I just hold my life in my hands. Thanking anyone who's listening for bringing her into my life. “Are you happy, Angel?”
She looks up at me with so much happiness it radiates off her. “So happy Walker. I never thought I would have this. Then you came into my life and I no longer have to dream about it because you are here and this is real. I love you with all my heart and soul, and I can't wait to become your wife.”
“I love you too, Angel, with all my heart and soul. I don't deserve you, but I will make damn sure you know how much I love and cherish you daily.” Placing another soft, sweet kiss on her lips because I just can’t help myself.
Kennedy looks at me. “Walker.”
I brush her hair from her face, smiling down on her. “Yeah, Angel?”
“What do you think about letting mom and Rhylie plan the wedding? Rhylie did offer, after all.” She has a smile on her face, as if I would tell her no.
I bend down to whisper in her ear, watching as her whole body shivers. “Whatever makes you happy. This way, it gives us more time to do other things. Like letting me have my wicked way with you because I'm going to be needing a first-hand recap of last night and every day for the rest of our lives.”
She moans so low that I can only hear. “Yes, let's do that. Hey momma, I have someone who will be dying to help plan the wedding.”
I can't help but chuckle. We all sit down as a family, going over wedding details and what Kennedy and I want. Within the hour, everyone that we know shows up, including the kids, excited about helping plan. I never had a family growing up and never knew what it felt like to be loved, but this right here is what it's all about. It doesn't matter where you come from in life, it's about the people you surround yourself with and I, for one, am glad my bike broke down here. Because without that happening I wouldn't have found my sweet obsession forever with my Angel.
Cake doesn't ask silly questions, cake understands.
If you would have told me this would be my life five years ago, I would have laughed in your face. I never thought growing up I would have the family I have today. My whole life I felt lost going from one place to the next, never knowing where my head was going to land or the horrors of each foster home I had to endure. I believe fate brought me to this small town because if my bike didn't break down, I would have kept riding and I would have missed out on the greatest gift of all. My Angel, Kennedy.
I can't even put into words the love I feel for her. She is so embedded in my heart and soul that if I ever lost her, I wouldn't know what to do. All she has to do is smile at me from across the room, and her love for me shines through. Over the years, she has shown me what true love is telling me daily how loved I am and that she would be lost without me. Doesn't matter how tired she is from a long day at the bakery or taking care of our kids, she always has a smile on her face.
The day we said I do was one of the greatest days of my life. Watching her walk down the aisle towards me is one I will never forget. She simply took my breath away with how beautiful she looked. It brought tears to my eyes, knowing that her smile, her love, was all for me. The second greatest day was when we found out we were having twins. She carried those babies to full term, never once complaining. Even though I wanted to wrap her in bubble wrap, she would just pat my chest and laugh at me. The day she went into labor, I might have panicked a little. Okay, that's a lie. I lost my fucking mind. I was running around yelling we had to get ready. Meanwhile, all of our bags were already packed and waiting by the door. Kennedy, being the sensible one, called in reinforcements, meaning everyone showed up from the cafe and the shop to kick my ass in gear. 12 grueling hours later, and we welcomed our twin boys, Callum and Carson, into the world.
Now at 5 years old, they are hell on wheels and I fucking love it. I love every moment I get to be with my family. They are so much like me, right down to my scowl. They love their momma as much as I do and make sure she is always taken care of, and I know they are going to be the same to their sister when she arrives. Just last week, Kennedy took them to the park, and some asshole thought he could hit on her, which is every fucking time we go out. And I hate it. My boys, who are just as protective as me, stepped in and told him to wait till my dad gets here. I was just walking up when I heard the ending. When I stood in front of the guy, I thought he was going to shit his pants. He took off so fast, before I could even say anything. You could clearly see the fucking rock on her finger and her pregnant belly that she was taken. It's not the first time and it won't be the last time I have to scare a dick away.
We are getting ready to welcome our baby girl into the world soon as in the next week. When we found out we were having a girl, I almost passed out. Honest to God, I had to sit down before my legs gave out on me. Many thoughts came to mind that this world is a scary place for a little girl. Once again, Kennedy had to call in the guys to help calm my ass down. They all have girls, so they helped me see that hiding her away isn't the right way to go unless I want to sleep on the couch for the rest of my life. Which I sure as fuck don’t. The only place I will sleep is in our bed with Kennedy in my arms. They assured me she will always have all her cousins to have her back.
Over the years, we have become one enormous family. We have holidays and birthdays together, and if one of us needs something, we come together and lend a hand. Like today, we are all gathered in our backyard for our baby shower surrounded by all our family. All the kids are running around playing games. The adults are talking, laughing, and having a good time. I look for my wife not seeing her sitting there until I feel her arms wrap around me from behind and her belly hitting my back, making me smile. Feeling my daughter kick.
“Hey, when you didn't come back, I got a little worried.” She places a kiss on my back before coming around to face me.
“Sorry Angel. I was just thinking back to when we first met and what my life is like now. Every day, I thank God for bringing you into my life. I love you, Angel, always and forever. Thank you for giving me this life, because without you, none of this would be possible.” I hold her in my arms, breathing in her scent that always calms my soul.
“I love you too, Walker, so much. You and the kids are my everything. Mom and dad are taking the boys tonight, so it's just going to be me and you. What do you think we should do?” She whispers in my ear, placing a kiss on my neck, and I’m instantly hard as a fucking rock. Throughout her pregnancies she has stayed horney as hell.
“Fuck, Angel, prepare to get no sleep because your ass is mine tonight. Any way we can kick everyone out now and head upstairs?” I growl in her ear, hearing her whimper.
She just laughs at me. “That's rude Walker, we can't kick everyone out.” She looks up at me with a smile on her face, so I know she's not mad that I suggested that.
Placing a kiss on her lips. “Fine. Let's head back to everyone then. The sooner we get this done, the sooner I can be in you.” As if I didn't have her this morning twice before the kids woke up.
She just shakes her head with a laugh and goes back to her seat, with me following close behind her. Just as I take my seat, Lucas hands me a beer. “Thanks, man.”
“You good? I saw you standing there. You looked lost in thought.” Doesn't matter what it is, Lucas has always been able to read me.
Nodding my head, I take a sip of my beer. “I'm great, just taking it all in how my life has changed since coming here and all the blessings I have in my life.”