Page 5 of Smokey

Me: meet me at Baked Goods.

I don't send him a kiss emoji, still pissed at him and even more pissed because, despite using a condom, he knocked me up. Come to think of it, when I picked it up off the floor where he threw it, it hadn’t felt full.

Crap, did it break, and we both just didn't notice because of how bad the sex was?

With a sigh, I wipe the tears from my face before rushing out of my room with my keys and phone. I rush through our small apartment, happy Mom is at work today. She's a nurse and loves her job, working hard to put food on our table. My sperm donor is a deadbeat and vanished with his mistress when I was three, after he spent years mentally abusing my mother.

Good riddance, as far as I'm concerned.

I jog down the three flights of stairs before heading to my beat-up Ford. I got it for a steal at the junkyard, and Phil fixed it for me. I climb in, and it starts the first time, making me smile as I pull out of my parking spot.

Within ten minutes of leaving my apartment, I'm pulling up outside Baked Goods, the bakery in town. I work there most evenings after school and most Saturdays to help Mom with the bills, while getting the full experience for when I go to pastry school. I immediately notice Phil sitting near the window, his head down as he plays with his phone. He looks stressed.

I sigh.

He either wants to apologize or beg me to keep silent about why we 'broke up.' If it's the latter, then I will not be responsible for my actions—just saying.

Shaking my head, I climb out of my car and head into the shop. I smile at Florence, the owner's granddaughter, but she sneers at me, making me want to roll my eyes. I don't. I like my job, and I know she can cause a lot of trouble for me.

Phil notices me when I head his way, and he stands, his fingers fidgeting with his blue jacket.

When I get closer, I raise a brow at him and ask, "Do I hug you or knee you in the balls?"

He winces before opening his arms. "I'd rather the hug."

With a sigh, I walk into his waiting arms, which instantly wrap around me.

"I'm so sorry, Liv,” he murmurs into my hair.

I nod then pull away, kissing his cheek before taking a seat. He sits opposite me, sighing, running his hand through his hair.

"You must hate me."

I snort. "I don't hate you; I hate how you treated me. I love you, Phil."

He winces. "Liv…."

I smirk and butt in, "I love you platonically."

He furrows his brows, and I sigh, grabbing his hands.

"We never really kissed Phil; we never did anything romantically. You're basically like a big brother, which is gross because I gave you my virginity."

He shudders. "As soon as I went inside you, I knew it was wrong, and fuck Liv, the only way I could come was to picture….picture…." I squeeze his hands, getting his attention. He finishes, "…was to picture another man."

He nods, embarrassment etching his features. "I'm sorry, Liv."

I nod. "Me too. I knew it was wrong, and it hurt a lot, then you left me lying there in pain with my thighs covered in blood." He winces again, shame etching his features, and I sigh.

"These past six months, we haven't really been dating. Not really. But you're my best friend, Phil."

He nods. "I didn't even know I was gay. I-I mean, I found other men attractive, but I just thought it was normal."

I squeeze his hands. "It's ok, Phil. And whenever you're ready to come out, I'll stand by you." He nods, his eyes tearing up, and I take a deep breath and shake my head. "What we did, it-it was bad." He winces but nods. "So bad, which makes this unfair."

He furrows his brows. "What do you mean?"

I swallow hard before rasping, "I'm pregnant," making him freeze in shock, his face paling.