Page 56 of Smokey

"Don't, Smokey."

I sigh. "He misses you, darling."

She shrugs. "Then maybe he shouldn't have claimed his fuck buddy in front of my best friend, right after stealing her fucking virginity!"

I wince. "She was pregnant, Lola."

She glares at me. "Says her. My brother never saw the actual proof, only what she gave him, and somehow, she miscarried while he wasn’t around to witness it. She buried their 'baby' in her hometown, yet no one can figure out where? She wanted my brother and got him any way she could, loving that she hurt my friend, who she knew my brother was in love with, in the process."

I wince again, wanting to stick up for my brother even though he really did fuck up, but also knowing he's holding on by a thread right now.

I rasp, "Lola?—"

She cuts me off again and points at me. "No. I've lost my best friend because of him and his selfish ways. He doesn't care about anyone but himself because, if he truly loved Kennedy, he never would have treated her the way he did. You know what? I really hope she's out there moving on from him and his cheating ass, because that's what he is, a cheater. He was still with Prue when he slept with Ken, he fucking lied to her and didn't even get proper conformation that the bitch was pregnant to begin with. He took her word for it, knowing she's been after his patch for years, and guess what? He fucking gave it to her."

I sigh as she goes back to cleaning the glasses, done with the conversation.

Shaking my head, I move toward the back before rasping, "He’s still your brother," as I walk past.

She mutters, "My brother that hurt a girl I have grown up with, and destroyed our friendship because she didn't want me to choose between her and my fucking brother."

I cringe.

Lola hasn't spoken to Doc for months, and I know he misses his sister. He misses Kennedy, but he's still with Prue, who started off as one of our strippers but had her eyes set on him. He moved her into his apartment, refusing to take her into the home he had built with Ken in mind. Prue claimed she lost their baby, and just like Lola stated, we cannot find any proof, all the while she’s begging him to try for another one.

He needs to get his ass into gear and figure out what he wants.

Sighing, I go to open my office door, wishing my girl was laying on top of my desk like she was last week when I ate her out before making love to her. My phone pings, and I grin, thinking it's my girl who has finally decided to make peace with my momma. Instead, I furrow my brows.


I blink then rush back down the hallway, shouting, "Emergency church, keep the bar closed tonight," to a shocked Lola.

At the last emergency church, we'd found out Hairy was a fucking traitor.


Ten minutes later, I'm walking into the common room with Sniper and Doc behind me to see a club house full of brothers. I halt when I notice my momma. She has a scowl on her face, blood dripping down her cheeks and mixing with her tears. I instantly tense as Doc rushes over to her.

"What the fuck!" I shout as I rush down the steps following Doc. Her tears start to fall again. I look around the room, looking for my girl, wondering where the fuck she is, knowing she was with momma at lunchtime. I make eye contact with Snake, his eyes hard as stone, showing no emotion, making my body vibrate.

Where the fuck is my girl?

"Tats, Breaker…" he rasps, and both brothers walk over to me, making my heart race as I tilt my head, knowing only one person, who isn’t here right now would cause me to lash out. What other reason for my prez to move our enforcer and Sargent-at-Arms toward me.


Both brothers stand beside me just before my momma sobs, "Liv was showing me her bakery…I-I was knocked out…when I woke up, she-she was gone."

My breathing picks up as Tech swallows hard, and I furrow my brows at him, seeing Nina, his ex, gripping his arm. She fucking left him when he refused to leave the club for her, knowing he was being offered a high-paying fucking job, and he wouldn't take it. The bitch had money signs in her eyes.

Where the fuck is Brook?

He clears his throat, removing Nina's hand before saying, "Kallie and Cherrie knocked Liv out and took her. I've been trying to keep track of where they went after they took her."

Everything disappears. His ex, my mother's sobs, the brothers. My whole world goes black with as I roar out in pain, ready to destroy anything and everything near me as Tats and Breaker grab a hold of me. I struggle against them as my dad rushes over. He grips my cheeks hard, pressing his forehead against mine, his blue eyes showing me all the pain and worry for my girl.

He rasps, "We will find her, son, I promise you we will. Have faith; don't go fucking losing it yet. We need you to stay focused, son, stay fucking focused."