Page 48 of Smokey

She shakes her head, her eyes dropping from mine in shame. Her brows furrow, looking at my chest, looking at the name I have there. Her gaze drops lower, and she notices the other name on my ribs. She sobs, and her hand goes to the script over my heart, then to the one on my rib.



I shake my head, placing my lips on her forehead. "I told you, Livvy, I fucking love you."

She sobs, stuttering, "B-but you deserve someone who w-won't doubt you like I did. You deserve so-someone better."

I sigh at her words, then tilt her head to make her look up to me.

"And what if you’re all I fucking want? What if I don't want better, and I just want you, huh? Are you going to deny my heart after doubting me for so long? After pushing me away? Are you going to keep hurting me, Freckles, or are you finally going to give me what I've been yearning for for so long?"

She lets out a sob, then nods. I sigh, placing my lips against hers.

Brooks coos, "Oh God, that was so sweet."

I smile against my girl's lips as her sniffles fill the room.

Bull opens the back door and shouts, "She said yes!” Everyone cheers. Livvy smiles against my mouth, her arms wrapping around my waist as I place my forehead against hers.

"This is it now, Freckles. No more running away. You and our girl are moving in. I'm not waiting any longer. Phil can use the spare room whenever he wants—I don't care. I just need you with me now, baby. Do you understand?"

She lets out a sob but nods. My whole body relaxes.

"Fucking finally," I rasp, then take her mouth with mine, shoving my tongue down her throat. Her arms go around my neck, and I bend at the knees, placing my arm under her ass, knowing full well she's not wearing panties. I lift her, walking us toward my room with my father's, "It’s about fucking time!” following us. The brothers cheer and laugh.

When I get to our room, I quickly slam the door behind us, and then push my girl against it, our kiss heating up. I keep one arm under her ass while I use my other hand to quickly remove my hard cock from my shorts, placing it at her entrance. I thrust forward, groaning at how tight she is.

I break the kiss and place my forehead against hers, pulling my hips back to thrust forward harder, grunting.

I growl, "Mine, all fucking mine…."

She gasps. "Careful!"

I press my lips on hers, rasping against them, "Fuck my stitches, Livvy. Two fucking years…." I kiss her hard, my hips moving faster as I fuck her against the door, then the shower wall, on the bathroom counter, and then in bed. I fill her with my cock all night long, making up for lost time.

Come tomorrow, they’re moving in. Finally, we’ll be a family.



I moan as my body tightens, my need to come pulling me, making me furrow my brows as I start to wake up.

I gasp as sucking surrounds my clit, making my eyes spring open, and I look down only to see Jonny's piercing blue eyes staring back at me with amusement.

He gently circles my clit with his tongue as he places two fingers at my entrance, making me tense. He tried last night as well, but each time, I would tense, and he'd stop.

He keeps eye contact with me as he sucks hard on my clit, making my back arch off the bed as he presses his fingers inside me, sucking harder, helping me to get more comfortable with his fingers penetrating me after my ordeal. He crooks them in a come-hither movement, hitting my magic spot, and I see stars. Jonny groans as I squirt in his face. He grins, licking it all up, then he climbs up my body, his mouth instantly going to mine, making me taste myself. He breaks the kiss, grinning at me.

"You did it, baby…."

I smile as he places the tip of his member at my entrance, the cold metal of his piercing making me shiver in delight.

I tease, "Again?" making him smile and peck my lips.

He replies, "Two years, baby." My giggle turns into a groan he thrusts inside, filling me up and making me moan as he thrusts his tongue into my mouth.