Page 46 of Smokey

"Because I listened to your ex’s lies about you two trying to reconcile with her. I believed her instead of speaking to you. That’s why!”

Smokey's eyes widen as I wince. Crap.

"Oh shit, this just got good. Where's the popcorn?"

I glare at Tech, knowing he's the one who spoke as Brook, his new girl, smacks the back of his head, making a few brothers chuckle. He pulls her down on his lap, his face pressing into her neck, making my heart melt for them.

Smokey takes a step toward me, gaining my attention.

His anger shines through his perfect, piercing blue eyes, and I swallow hard.

He growls low, "How long ago was it that you realized she was lying, Olivia?"

Oh crap, he called me Olivia. Yep, I'm in trouble.



"How long ago did you realize she was lying, Olivia?"

I swear to fucking God, if she tells me it was months ago, I'm going to flip. All this fucking time, she thought I was going back to the whore I never even fucking wanted in the first place?

A misunderstanding that could have been sorted years a-fucking-go if she'd just opened her mouth and communicated with me!

She blinks and clears her throat, guilt shining through her eyes. I narrow mine, ignoring the brothers and their women.

I demand, "How long, Olivia?"

I hear a bunch of “oh shits” from our audience, but I ignore them, keeping my eyes on my girl, waiting for her to open her mouth and tell me what I already know.

She clears her throat. "Um, six months ago."

I grit my teeth, my hand going to the stool next to me. I throw it across the room, brothers scrambling out of the way as Olivia jumps as it smashes against the wall.

"Your stitches," she urges.

I glare at her and shout, "I don’t give a fuck about my stitches, Olivia! Six fucking months!”

She winces, but I shake my head and point at her, "So basically, what your fucking telling me is that I didn't ruin our relationship, you did by believing her shit for two years, believing I could be a fucking cheater without even questioning me, like a fucking normal person! Then deciding what? I wasn't good enough for a conversation six months ago, when you realized she was a lying fucking cunt?"

She flinches. "I thought you deserved better than me, better than someone who would believe that?—"

I cut her off coldly. "That was my decision, not yours!"

She shakes her head. "It doesn't matter anymore. We're just not meant to be."

I growl, "Because you made a fucking mistake?"

She sniffles. "Yes, because I made a massive mistake! I forgave you for the crap you said within a few months of the BBQ. I realized you were just hurt with your brother’s betrayal, and I knew the picture of Phil and I probably looked bad. I planned to make you grovel for a little while…but then your ex made me believe you were using me to even the score because she cheated on you…."

I notice the brothers watching us like a ping pong match.

"I never even fucking wanted her! I only married her because she said she was pregnant, and I thought it was the right thing to do. I was only a fucking kid, Olivia." She flinches, but I ignore it. "I found out she wasn't pregnant before the ink was even dry on the marriage license, for fucks sake. Her parents convinced me to sign a contract stating I couldn't divorce her unless she cheated, or I'd end up losing everything I fucking own. I waited years to catch her cheating, trying and get pregnant. I didn't even fucking touch her the whole of our marriage!"

She flinches, again. "Well, it doesn't matter anymore. I believed her and don't deserve the forgiveness, plus, after yesterday, I'm damaged goods." She finches once more.

I grit my teeth.