Page 32 of Smokey

I growl and shake my head, ready to leave for my room, not wanting to deal with this shit, my head fucking thumping, but she grabs my arm, making me growl at her; my father raises his brow in warning, but I just glare at him and point toward him.

"Sort out your fucking old lady, Dad, before I get pissed."

He just shrugs with a smirk, knowing I wouldn't physically hurt my momma, who just chuckles darkly not at all worried with my threat.

"How does it feel, son, to know you just cheated on your girl, the mother of the little girl we've just come from seeing."

I shake my head. I didn't fucking cheat. if anything, she did with me last night. I raise a brow at my mother, my head spinning a little. I'm pretty sure I'm seeing two of my mother right now. "You mean she-she spoke to you?"

Momma narrows her eyes, which makes me snort. No, Olivia didn't speak to her; she hasn't since momma threatened her with April in her arms.

"Don't, Jonny. I deserve her silent treatment, but I also know that she'll give in to me soon. But what you just did was fucking horrible. You cheated on her!"

I lose my cool, my buzz slowly wearing off, and shout back, "How can it be fucking cheating when we’re not together? When she doesn’t even fucking want me?"

Momma sighs. "She does want you, son. She loves you; anyone within a fifty-mile radius can see her feelings for you, and come morning, this right here, what you've just done, will haunt you."

I shake my head, my heart pounding, already knowing I screwed up as I rasp, "It hurts too much to keep doing this game with her, Momma."

My father's eyes soften as he steps forward. "I've already told you, Jon, it's not a game for her. Something is holding her back from you."

"That's what I thought until last night when she admitted to losing my baby two years ago. Two days after I hurt her. She was only a few weeks pregnant."

Momma sniffles at my revelation but stays on topic. "That can’t be why she keeps pushing you away. You need to persevere, baby boy."

I shake my head and hold my arms up. "To what end, huh? I feel like a fucking shell of myself. I miss her every day, and yet she's still seeing that fucker, hurting me, fucking breaking me."

My father squeezes my shoulder. "You need to up your game. If she's at work, be there every single day. She's at home, go spend time with her. Snake will be okay picking up the slack for a little while, son. If you love her, if you want her that much, if she's your one, then you need to keep pushing her just like last night." He shakes his head. "Phil mentioned how she fell asleep on you. How she was curled up in that same chair when we went to see April. She hasn't allowed anyone else to sit in it. She loves you, son. Now it's your job to find out why she keeps pushing you away, because what happened two years ago is not the reason. She would have forgiven you long before now."

I look down but nod as Momma kisses my cheek and rasps, "Go shower and sleep for a few hours, then go back to the hospital and tell her what has happened tonight. No, she can't be mad because she is seeing someone, but she hasn't let that someone touch her yet, according to Phil. Win your girl back, son."

I nod again, fear hitting me hard at the thought of telling Olivia what I've done but knowing I must.

I do as my mother says; I go to my room and shower before laying on my bed, my guilt already tearing away at my soul.

What the fuck did I do?



I tilt my head as my baby girl snores a little. She fell asleep half an hour ago after Gammy and Grandpa Rock left.

She adores them, and I refuse to take that family feeling from her even though I don't speak to Rose. I haven't said a thing to her since that day at the BBQ, but maybe it's time I did. She's apologized over and over. I know she was just being protective of her son; heck, she's taken Phil in and treated him like her own since the day they met. He was at my workplace, telling me about a man he was considering seeing, when she came to apologize. I told her she was forgiven but didn't want anything to do with her.

At the time, I had no idea how much my girl would fall in love with her and Rock.

April moves in her sleep, flinching a little, making me wince.

My poor girl.

I curl up some more in the chair Smokey vacated, wishing he'd left one of his sweaters, knowing the one I have at home no longer smells of him.

My girl's door opens, and my mom comes in, her scrubs looking a little wrinkled from her shift. "Hey darling, how's our girl doing?"

I smile. "Better, I think. Rock and Rose were here, so they cheered her up, even brought her the giraffe from my car."

Mom smiles wide, checking April's chart before clearing her throat. "And uh, Smokey…has he been back?"