Page 29 of Smokey

"Becky, what on earth? Why is your uniform unzipped like that and in my granddaughter's room no less!"

Becky's face has officially gone white. Her eyes widen as she stutters, "Y-Your granddaughter?"

Mom's eyes burn with rage as she sees Becky's gaze going toward Smokey.

Mom sneers, "You're on probation until further notice; I will be reporting this incident." Mom gets in her face. "How dare you try to hit on a patient's family member, let alone a man my granddaughter calls daddy!"

Becky's eyes tear up before they go to Smokey again—like he'd help her. Instead, he growls at her, causing her eyes to widen before running away, whimpering.

I shake my head, walking out of Smokey's hold and approaching my daughter. I gently wipe her hair off her forehead, my heart hurting at seeing her looking so small in the large hospital bed.

"She's going to be fine, sweetheart."

I nod at my mom's words but don't turn to look at her. She mumbles to Smokey that she's going to report Becky.

They have a conversation, but I don't hear anything, I just look at my girl as I lean over her, taking in all her features. Smokey takes me by the waist, forcing me to sit on his lap before I slowly curl up in a ball on him, gripping his white t-shirt, my head going to his shoulder but not taking my eyes off April, watching her chest go up and down.

I'm unsure how long we sit here, but I know it's dark outside. My mother has come back a few times, and Phil arrived about an hour ago, I think, but I don't speak to any of them; I just watch my girl. I feel Phil kiss my head before he sits with us for a while, his hand on my thigh as he speaks to Smokey, who hasn't moved a muscle while I sit on his lap except to run his fingers through my hair.

A little while later, Phil squeezes my leg, then stands.

"I'm going to head home. Smokey, make sure she gets some sleep." Smokey nods as Phil kisses my head, murmuring, "I'll be back in the morning, darling; try to sleep while April does, alright?"

I nod, my tears filling my eyes again, her screams still echoing in my ears.

"Talk to me, Freckles," Smokey rasps as the door closes.

I sniffle before whispering, "I can still hear her scream, her pain-filled scream."

He holds me tighter, his lips touching my head. "She's going to be okay, baby."

I nod, squeezing my eyes shut as his fingers run through my hair, soothing me to sleep.

I blink my eyes. The room is dark, and I know it's still nighttime. I move only for Smokey's arms to tighten around me, making me look at him. He sends me a tired smile.

"Aren’t you uncomfortable?" I ask.

He smirks, stating, "With you in my arms, never."

I shake my head and go to move, but he just holds me tighter.


He cuts me off. "It's Jonny, Freckles, and you know it. Now stay where you are."

I sigh and lean against him, his fingers going to my hair as I look at my girl.

"Talk to me, Freckles," he murmurs.

I sigh. "What about?"

He shrugs. "Anything…I don't know, just talk to me."

I sigh, keeping my eyes on my girl. I know he wants to talk about us, but there isn't an us; there hasn't been for two years since he hurt me and since I realized he was married, and they've been trying to work things out.

I clear my throat and decide to let him in on a secret I've kept from him instead, hoping he doesn't hate me.

"Two days after that day…." He stills, knowing exactly what day I mean. "I ended up in the emergency room."