Page 7 of Smokey

Sighing, I lean against the counter, waiting for Florence, hoping she'll hurry her ass up so I can have a smoke. But something, or more like someone, grips a hold of my cut just as coffee spills down my white top. A woman's gasp hits my ears and my fucking cock twitches.

What the fuck?

I growl as the hot coffee starts to sting my chest, and I pull my white top from my body as I turn to the person still holding on to my cut. I halt as my gaze meets the cutest blue eyes. The little girl grins at me, her ginger hair a wild mess of curls.

I smile back.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry, sir." I look up and notice a petite woman holding the little girl. She's the spitting image of the little girl but can't be much older than twenty. Her ginger hair is in a messy bun on the top of her head, her whole focus on the cutey still clutching my cut.

"April, let go of the man's vest, baby girl."

I snort, making her look at me—and, suddenly, I feel like I've been knocked off my feet. Holy shit, she is beautiful. Her heart-shaped face has some freckles artfully splattered beneath her light blue eyes. I feel like I've been hit in the fucking chest.

I clear my throat. "It's, uh, a cut, Freckles. A brother can take real offense to it being called a vest."

She blinks several times. And where the hell did that nickname come from? It just popped up out of nowhere…and it fits. Fuck, is this how my dad felt about my momma at first sight?

She swallows hard. "Uh, sorry, sir."

I butt in, "It's Jonny."

Fuck me, I just gave her my given name.


She blinks again and swallows hard. "Ok, well, uh Jonny. I'm sorry, and I'm real sorry about the top." She looks down at the cutie that still has a hold of my cut, and is trying to climb into my arms. I laugh, then I grab her under her arms, holding her against my chest like it's the most natural thing.

The woman sucks in a breath. The little girl, April, starts to play with my lip ring, making me chuckle. "And how old are you, little red?"

The woman clears her throat and wrings her hands. "She's uh, just turned one. I'm, uh, sorry about this; she's never grabbed a hold of someone like this before."

I give her a gentle smile. "That's alright, she's adorable."

The woman does the most beautiful thing; she fucking smiles wide.

Fuck me.

I swallow hard. My gaze locked on the woman before me, tension rising between us.

Florence breaks our connection by clearing her throat. I sigh and look her way, her gaze flitting between me and the beauty, the four boxes of cakes on the counter in front of us.

"Olivia, I thought your shift finished five minutes ago? Why are you still here?"

I raise a brow as Olivia, the fucking amazing baker who the women in the club love, rolls her eyes. "Florence, I was walking out but April wanted to say hi."

I look at April and smile before blowing her a raspberry, making her giggle, and my heart melts.

Florence scoffs, "Using your child to grab a man, a biker at that? Are you that desperate?"

I look at Florence in shock as anger takes hold of me. She flinches at my look.

Olivia speaks. "If you want him so bad, Flo, then just ask him out like a normal person, instead of trying to embarrass me."

I look at Olivia with a furrowed brow as she shakes her head at Florence, who is slowly turning red.

Little Red is taken from my arms, making me scowl and April's bottom lip pop out. Olivia gives me a small smile before looking at the little girl. "Say bye to Jonny, baby girl."

I take a step forward as she looks at Florence again and states, "If you keep up with the unearned insults, you can explain to your grandmother why her hardworking baker has quit without notice." She turns around and leaves the shop. making my heart freeze.