Page 58 of Smokey

I never realized women could go this far, that their egos could get this butt hurt.

Stupid jealous bitches!

Kallie smirks. "Help me tie him up. Once he wakes, he can watch us hurt her, he can watch her plead for us to stop, to show him she's not old lady material, then we'll kill her."

I don't show emotion other than my tears falling down my cheeks. The woman is crazy and delusional to believe he'd go back to her even if I wasn’t in the picture. They were divorced for about three years before I even met him!

Cherrie grins, clapping her hands, her breasts nearly falling out of the tight, black mini dress that's cut low in between her cleavage.

"Then he'll finally come back to us, and you'll finally have your baby and his money."

Kallie grins wide before gripping the back of Cherrie's neck, kissing her, their tongues touching as they moan and rub their bodies against each other, making me nearly throw up with the gag in my mouth.

Cherrie's hand moves beneath Kallie's small skirt as their kiss heats up. She moves her wrist quickly, proving what she's doing as Kallie gasps and moans, panting in Cherrie's mouth. I shudder in disgust as my eyes go to Jonny, worry churning my gut as I try to ignore the porno before. Kallie screams against Cherrie's mouth like a porn star, coming on her hand. I look at them in time to see Cherrie grin wide before bending, and then rubbing her wet fingers against Jonny's mouth before kissing him, making me growl. She leans back and smirks at me before sucking her fingers into her mouth, tasting the rest of Kallie's orgasm, making me gag.

Kallie sneers at me, not liking my reaction to their 'show'. She hurries over, punching me in the face, making me see stars, my face throbbing.

Wow, that hurt like a bitch.

I blink as Cherrie chuckles before grabbing Jonny, Kallie going to help. I sit and watch helplessly as they manage to get him in a chair, grunting, nearly dropping him in the process, before tying him up with the same type of rope they used on me.

Kallie kisses his lips, her hand rubbing against his jeans, over his crotch, moaning, and I start to twist my hands behind me, hoping to get the ropes off. I can feel it burn into my skin, but I ignore it, twisting and pulling carefully so Crazy One and Two don't notice.

Jonny groans.

The women get giddy as they jump back while I try to swallow around the gag.

He blinks his eyes, slowly lifting his head before we make eye contact. Horror enters his eyes as he takes in the state of me as everything he's tried to do over the years to win me back hits me hard. All the times he was there for me, there for April. All the times he never gave up on us when I already had.

All the time we missed out on because of me and now.... My tears build as determination hits him, seeing that I'm struggling to stay positive that we'll get through this.

"It's about time you woke up, baby. Can you feel my juices on your lips?" Kallie rasps as she traces his lips with her fingers. He goes to bite her, making her jump back in shock as the rope around my wrists starts to give way. I can feel the blood dripping down my fingers, but I ignore it, moving my hands faster as Kallie's face goes red. Cherrie growls before stalking over to me, making me freeze.

Jonny growls, "You fucking touch her, and I swear, Cherrie, I'll fucking burn you alive."

She just grins as she grabs the bat near me and lifts it before swinging it down, smacking it against my stomach and making me gasp through the gag in pain.

"I swear to fucking God, Cherrie, you’re dead. Fucking dead!”

An evil gleam enters her eyes as Kallie picks up a knife off the table and walks toward me. I take deep breaths as Jonny struggles violently, trying to get out of the ropes. I twist my hands again, not caring if they can see. Kallie grins as she stabs the knife into my thigh, making me gasp before she removes the gag from my mouth.

"Get the fuck away from her!” Jonny shouts as Cherrie giggles, watching the blood drip from my leg.

Kallie leans forward, removing the knife. I can feel it rip through my skin, and I bite my lip to stop the scream that wants to come.

Kallie rasps, "Go on, whore, let it out, scream for me, show my man how unworthy you are of him."

I turn my head her way, then spit in her face, making her eyes widen.

"Fuck Freckles," Jonny gasps, and Kallie's face reddens in anger before she stabs the knife down again, just below the other wound. Jonny screams before Cherrie bashes my stomach again with the bat, knocking the wind out of me—once, twice, three times.

I swear I feel a crack.

I cough as a roar sounds and look up just in time to see Jonny throw his phone on the ground before running over to me. His hand goes behind his back, but before he grabs what I know is his gun, Cherrie swings the bat against his skull, making me scream as he falls to the floor. Kallie screams out, seeing the blood coming from his head as Cherrie curses, realizing her mistake, and goes to check his pulse as my heart breaks.

He's lifeless, completely still.

Kallie turns and pulls the knife out of my leg, then stabbing it in again and again before getting in my face sneering, "This is all your fault, whore…"