Page 28 of Smokey

I give him a nod as I look at Smokey, who smiles at me before following us, my mother behind him. When we enter the room, I automatically cry to see a tube coming out of my daughter’s stomach. Smokey wraps his arms around me from behind, holding me tightly as we look at our girl.

“She’s so pale,” I rasp, causing Smokey to hold me tighter and Doc to smile.

“She will be for a little while, but her color will return.” I nod as he squeezes my shoulder. “I’ve got another patient, but I’ll return shortly to check on my niece. A nurse will be by momentarily, alright?”

I nod as he kisses my forehead, making Smokey growl again, causing Doc to smirk before leaving, my mother following, asking to see April’s chart, making me smirk as Doc sighs.

Smokey kisses my head. “Come on, Freckles, let’s take a seat.”

I nod as he walks me over to April’s bedside. He leans down and kisses her head before taking a seat while I stand at the end of her bed, feeling like my heart is in my throat seeing my girl hooked up to machines.

A nurse saunters in, and I have to do a double take.

Her uniform is half unzipped, showing her lacy, black bra and the tattoo on her tit underneath it. Her eyes are glued to Smokey, who hasn’t noticed her yet, and my anger boils.



Her gray eyes sparkle seeing Smokey as she quickly unties her bad blonde dyed hair out of its ponytail, fluffing it.


She's just walked into a four-year-old's room. She doesn't know if he's not her father, yet this is how she acts.

My anger takes hold, and yes, there's also jealousy I have no right to feel. It's been two years; I don't expect him to be celibate, especially if he's working things out with his wife—ex-wife, or whatever she is.

Wow, I think I just heard the crack in my heart.Okay, dramatic, much, Liv?

I clear my throat, ignoring my thoughts as I get Smokey's attention, who soon looks at me with a raised brow.

I glare at the nurse. "Do you always come into a child's room with your uniform half undone?"

The woman looks my way in shock, clearly not realizing I was in here before Smokey looks her way, realizing where my attention actually is.

He furrows his brows exclaiming, "What the fuck?" as anger etches his features.

Why does she work in a hospital if her patients don't come first?

I take a step toward her, making her raise a brow at me like I'm not some kind of threat because I'm not that tall, but what she doesn't realize is that I'm a motherfucking mamma bear right now, and this woman has pissed me off.

"You have exactly three seconds to zip your uniform up and become the professional you're supposed to be and check on my post-op four-year-old daughter, or I'm going to drag you out by your hair to the nurse's station so all your colleagues can see what a skanky whore you really are!"

Her eyes widen as Smokey coughs to cover his laugh, but I ignore him and take another step closer.

"Out of curiosity, do you do this with every father that comes in with their child or just men wearing cuts?"

Her face pales. "You can't speak to me this way, I can have you removed from the hospital, and we both know you can't keep a hold of a man like that anyway, so why not just step aside. I can be the perfect momma for that little girl."

I grind my back teeth at her gumption and try to keep my cool, though punching her in the face right now seems like a really good idea.

Instead, I raise a brow. "You would have a mother removed from the hospital after her four-year-old has had to have emergency surgery, when you decided to walk in here with your uniform unzipped, not caring whether the man in here with a cut on is her father? I don't care if I could keep him or not, this is my daughter’s room—a little girl who just had emergency surgery. You should be taking her vitals and checking her drainage!”

She paled some more as Smokey stands.

I feel him walk up behind me, placing his arm around my waist, the woman paling even more as he sneers, "I'd love to tell Doc what the nurse he assigned to care for his niece has just done. Get your fucking ass out of here before I have your job."

Her eyes widen at the coldness in his voice before she turns, ready to rush out the room, but nearly knocks into my mom instead, whose eyes widen at the nurse before she quickly grabs her arm.