Page 17 of Smokey

He nods before whispering in shame, "She never orgasmed. I couldn’t even get hard without imagining another man. That’s how I finally allowed myself to admit that I was gay." He swallows hard, his eyes tearing up. "I didn't comfort her afterward. I pulled out of her, muttered that I was gay, then hightailed it out of there. I fucking hurt her, and I didn't even know it. I left her lying in her bed, naked, covered in blood—more than there should have been—and vulnerable. I was a fucking pussy. I ignored her for weeks, told everyone but her that we broke up before I finally manning up. I missed my best friend. When we finally met up again, that's when she told me I knocked her up with extremely bad sex."

I swallow hard as my words from before start to haunt me, the coldness that shadowed her eyes.

Snake tilts his head and asks, "So, let me get this right. You're gay but didn't want to admit it. You fucked your girlfriend—badly, I might add—most likely tearing her by the sounds of things, to finally give in to your true self, only to find out you managed to knock her up?"

He snorts but nods. "We were protected. I was wearing a condom, but she bled so much that, afterward, we couldn’t see that the condom had broken. When I came out as gay, she and her mother were my rock. My parents kicked me out, refusing to have a son; April has never met them."

I shake my head in confusion. All the dates with her, all the time we spent together….

I suck my lip ring into my mouth before asking, "Why didn't she tell me?"

He sighs. "She was going to at the BBQ today. I encouraged her. Before, well, your family hasn't exactly made her feel welcome, so she was stubborn and refused to let them know out of principle. I mean, just last week some women told her that April wasn't welcome here, and she left early. You took three hours to notice she was even gone, and you should feel fucking grateful she even stayed with you after that."

I wince as my mother looks down in shame. Livvy said April was tired and I was too busy shooting the shit with my brothers. She didn’t fucking answer my calls or texts for three fucking days.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

My heart pounds in my chest.I need to see my girl.

Phil must notice my determination because he shakes his head at me and states, "Not happening. She's now officially done with you. You made our daughter cry, my fucking daughter, who called you ‘Daddy Two." I stiffen as he points at me. "I fucking rooted for you, I fucking encouraged her to tell you how she feels, and you fucking blew it. I'm only here so you know the truth and to tell you to stay the fuck away from my family. You're no longer welcome."

I grind my back molars as I growl, "They're my family, too."

He walks to the door but doesn't turn around as he states, "Not anymore. You made sure of that an hour ago, and my loyalty is to my best friend."

With that, he leaves, and I start to breathe hard.


I ignore my father and shake my head before rushing after the dick. As I get to the front, I see he's already sitting in his car, window open, fucking waiting for me, clearly knowing I would follow.


He nods and says, "I knew I was right about you."

He started his car before looking at me again. "You've got a long road ahead of you. Our girl is stubborn, and after finding out her first boyfriend was gay right after giving him her big V, she's also prideful. But I'll try to help as much as I can. Don't fucking hurt her again."

I give him a chin lift as he drives off.

My mother's voice sounds behind me. "We'll all help as much as we can, son. I'm so sorry, baby."

I nod, ignoring all the scratched bikes. I look at my mother and rasp, "Good, I'm going to need it."

And I am…if I can win my girls back.


Olivia – Two Years Later – Present Day

I grunt and grab the tray of fresh bread out of the oven before placing the tray on the counter, and then wipe my sweaty forehead. I've been baking since five this morning because Florence forgot to wake up, and it's now lunchtime.

I shake my head. Instead of coming to the back to finish baking, she sat behind the counter on her phone. The girl is a flipping menace, and the sooner I save up for my own bakery, the better.

The oven dings, and I quickly rush over to take out the apple turnovers before I place them onto another tray, burning my fingers in the process, cursing, then taking them out to the counter. I roll my eyes at Flo, who’s grinning at her phone, as I start placing the cakes in the glass display case. Just as I put the last one, I hear the rumble of bikes, knowing it’s not Rock, and stiffen as Florence gasps, sitting up straighter and making me roll my eyes.

The bakery door opens a few seconds later and my girl’s, "Momma," squeal echoes through the room. I catch her as she jumps into my arms, giggling, making Flo roll her eyes, before pulling the dusty pink blouse further apart to showcase her boobs.

Seriously, the woman has no self-respect.