“Have I told you how much I love the gallery? And the contractors? And you?”

“Only about a few million times. But feel free to communicate your gratitude again along with any other feeling overwhelming you at the moment.”

“My, Mr. Farrington, whatever could you mean?” I ask coyly, trailing a hand on his muscled thigh, encased in expensive, wool blend pants.

“You’ll know in exactly two seconds after the pilot completes take off.” He grabs my wandering hand. “I can’t be gentle.”

I lean close and lift my face to his. “I don’t want you to be.” Our lips meet in a chaste kiss but we continue to cling and move over each other until he cups my jaw and teases my mouth open, slipping his tongue inside in a decadently sensual, not fit for public, kiss.

“I’d tell you to get a room, but it feels like we’re the ones that need to get out of the way.” Ethan begins his speech as everyone laughs and Jordan releases me. “We promise we’ll make this quick won’t we?” The audience hums in agreement. It’s short and sweet, typical of Ethan.

With the speeches done, it’s time for the farewells and to send us on our way.

Xavier comes over first, giving us his signature bear hug. His date is a split copy of him. “Sabrina, meet my sister Zoey. Zoey, Sabrina.”

“You’re breathtaking!” Zoey gushes. “I’m sorry, I forced him to bring me because I just had to meet you. Xavi mentioned something about you guys being apart for eight years and I’m such a sucker for a good love story.”

I love her warm friendliness immediately. “Thanks Zoey.”

I watch them leave the venue. He came very late too. “Jordan you never told me Xavier had a twin! How extraordinary.”

“Oh, yeah he does. She’s married but they’re quite close.”

Dalia comes over. “Moneybags has a sister! A twin by the looks of it.” She leans toward me. “Maybe you reminded him of her and that's why he wasn't interested in you then?

“Interested in who?” Jordan asks.

“Sorry Dalia, you can’t whisper around my husband, he’s got super hearing.”

I say to Jordan, “It’s just something we picked up on Xavier. I think he sister-zones women.”

“Ha!” Jordan scoffs. “That behavior was due to Ethan having told him how gorgeous you were, and what exactly would happen to his family jewels if he breathed in your direction. After Xavi saw you he confessed he was glad Ethan had warned him. I still wanted to kill him though, because he got to see and speak to you, and I didn't.”

I'm surprised to hear this. My respect for Ethan goes up another notch. And I thought it was already at maximum level. The way he protects and looks out for everyone around him is just astounding. And he's a wonder to look at too.

"You know Jordan, if I wasn't in love with you, I think I might get on my knees and beg Ethan to marry me."

"I know, the fucker steals everyone's hearts. You think if I poked my eyes out and wore glasses I might compete with him for fans?"

"Come on, babe he's not blind!" I laugh. "He actually sees better in the dark."

"Yeah and what the fuck is that if not weird?"

I love how Jordan and Ethan seem to be at each other's throats. Gosh, they're like children sometimes, arguing and wrestling. But under all of that, the way they love each other fiercely tugs at my heart all the time.

"Well, now that the whole zoning issue has been cleared up," Dalia asks Jordan, "do you know if Xavier has a girlfriend?"

“He’s never introduced one to me, but yes there’s a woman's seeing. Heck, there always is someone.”

“And that guys, is the sound of my heart breaking.” We laugh.

“Dalia, Hank, remember?"

Dalia has started dating a celebrity chef she met at one of our exhibitions. Although going by the long looks Grant has been sending her way tonight he is still far from over her. I doubt those two will be apart from each other for long.

“Yeah, barely. Anyway girl, I’m going to miss you.”

“I know, I’ll miss you too.”