“Yes, I did,” I reply like a robot. She’s just a beautiful girl Jordan, get it together. You’ve seen and dated hot girls before.

“Here you go. That’ll be $10.”

“Sure,” I say, taking the boxes off her and putting them on the hallway table. My tongue feels like lead. This is so cringe. At twenty-two I’m way too old to be reacting like a horny fourteen-year-old.

Why didn’t I just let someone else in the house deal with the pizza delivery? No, I had to come and make a fool of myself.

I take a couple of calming breaths before returning to her.

“I’m Jordan.”


“Lovely name.” I try not to notice the way the thin T-shirt stretches over her breasts.

“Thanks, it’s short for Sabrina.” She smiles shyly. I like her smile. A lot.

“Sabrina.” I test her name on my lips. “Do you live around here? I try to sound casual, although the reason I ask is because I need to know how far away she lives. How far I’ll have to be going for the next four months. Because I already know I will pursue this girl.

“Oh no.” She shakes her head. “We’re on the other side of town, the Central district.”

I’m clueless as to where that is. “Well, I’m new here.”

“Oh? I’ve lived here all my life. Whereabouts have you moved from?”

“Lots of places but I've spent most of my life in New York,” I say.

“I’ve never been outside Nevada. I bet New York is very different from Henderson?”

“A bit.” I smile indulgently. “Depends on what appeals to you.”I want to take you there. I want to show you everything.

“Although Bree, I haven't seen much of the town to be honest. I didn’t even know where to get pizza which is why I ordered online.”

She just nods and doesn't pick up the cue. Maybe she’s not interested? The women I’m used to would have offered to show me around.

I hand her a generous tip and when she reaches out to collect it our fingers touch. We both look up. I stare into thickly lashed, golden eyes and feel joy wash over me as her gaze flutters downward over me before rapidly swinging back up to meet mine, a flush stealing over her cheeks. Did she just check me out?

I take the rash plunge.

“Would you like to get dinner or lunch with me? Or coffee?” Anything really, I don't care.


“I’d like to take you out sometime.”

She blushes more. “Um, I’m working.” She gestures to her T-shirt. As if I need any more reasons to gawk.

“What are you doing after work?”

“I uh... Um, No. Thanks, but no. I’m sorry. I’ve got to go. Thanks for the tip.” She waves the folded cash in the air as she backs away and leaves quickly.

But I already know that wild horses couldn’t keep me from seeing her again…

Another round of applause brings me back to the present. Bree has just finished her speech and is now speaking with some members of the audience.

“Right Jordan, you’re the one with impeccable taste in art," Ethan says from behind me while Grant talks to a few of the visitors. "Let's pick out our pieces.”

We are selecting art for the ongoing redecoration of our office space, keeping an eye out for pieces that would fit in with our modern and vibrant style. For the lobby, I’d suggested we go for pieces that inspire serenity, while the individual offices and boardroom should be captured in edgy sophistication and nonconformist art, to stimulate creativity.