“The night you were admitted into the hospital. I never told you this because you were such a good kid and your mom and I didn’t want you distressed about something you were probably ashamed of. When the doctors tested you, they found traces of some drugs in your system.”


“Jordan got your friend Molly and her husband arrested. They were responsible for kidnapping and drugging you that night. I don’t know the details. But the bottom line is, you weren’t hit by a car. You were drugged.”

“By Molly?” Drew nods.

“But why the hell would Molly drug me?” Molly was one of the most supportive friends I had during that awful time.

“Who knows? I always thought there was something off about the girl and her shifty-eyed husband anyway.”

Yeah, you think that about half of the people in the universe Drew.

The puzzle is starting to make some sense now though. Whoever orchestrated that night did it to make it look like I cheated on Jordan. But why would Molly want me cheating on Jordan? Did she want him for herself? But Sam was involved too. I give up trying to figure it out and face Drew.

“Okay, so is that the reason why you’re now suddenly best friends with Jordan?”

“He told me everything kiddo. He left Henderson to protect you.”

“I know.”

He rears back. “You know? Well, if you know that, why isn’t he here today?"

I remain silent.

"You know he got me all the way down here for a surprise and a thank you for giving him another chance. Now he's not here. And you’ve got a face like a slapped ass which tells me you told him to stay away, even though you want him here.”

Who the hell is this person in front of me and what have they done with Drew?

“Well, excuse me while I sweep my jaw off the floor, Drew. One minute you can't stand Jordan Farrington, and the next you’re throwing roses on the ground for him!” I finish on a near shout and Aunty Bea looks over with concern. I lower my voice. “He cheated okay. Your new best friend is a lying, cheating bastard. How do you like him now?”

Drew just looks at me, unperturbed.

“He had a girlfriend and still got with me.” I clarify when Drew appears to have gone deaf.

“Did you see them together?” he asks.

“Come on Drew. Even a moron eventually learns to add two and two. She was half naked in his house.”

“Was it Elena?”

I’m too shocked to speak for a full minute. I eventually unglue my tongue from the roof of my mouth. “How do you even know her?”

“Because I asked questions. Something you might think to do once in a while.”

I do a double-take as rage finally bubbles over. I need to leave. “I’m sorry, I can't take this anymore.” I rise from the table, not caring about being overheard.

“Can't take what?”

“This.” I gesture with my hands. “This utter hypocrisy.” I stomp across the yard toward the house.

Drew catches me on the back porch before I can go into the house.

“Bree, I understand my actions might come across as strange—”

“Strange! Excuse me, I’ve just gotten my neck twisted up like a pretzel with the mother of whiplashes you’ve delivered, and now you’re coming at me for not speaking to Jordan. Someone whom for eight solid years your animosity fed my guilt for still wanting to be with him. Shutting Jordan out was the hardest thing I've ever done because I loved him with everything I had. Yet I did it for you! And Father. And Mother.” My voice breaks into a sob and the stupid tears make my vision blurry.

“I loved him.” I start to sob. "And you all made me give him up. I loved him so much."