"Oh wow." I see the wheels turning in her head.
"You're wondering why she doesn't speak aren't you?"
"Was it something she was born with?"
"No, It's a functional disorder. She didn't give me details but she suffered pretty bad psychologic trauma in the past. She's physically able to and wants to, she just can't do it. Dennis has never heard her speak in twenty years, but they've got one of the most loving relationships I know."
"I love that you learned how to sign so you could communicate with her."
I shrug. "The more time we spent together, the more we had to say, and texting became too slow and tedious."
“Jordan why did you enlist in the army? It's so out of character”
I’m elated that Bree is asking me these questions because it means her interest in me is beyond getting me out of her system. “I wanted to escape my life I guess. I’d given up the one thing I wanted the most, my fiancée, but my father didn’t uphold his own end of the deal, all he cared about was having his son in the family business. I wanted to deny him that satisfaction so bad.”
“And Acercraft?”
“I met Ethan and Mike on a web platform for developers and we hit it off even before meeting in person. They're both geniuses with software engineering skills and the knowledge to create gaming apps and platforms. We teamed up and then we just kept going from there.”
“You know Jordan, I’m intrigued by this version of you. You’re different but in a good way.” She runs her hand through my hair.
“Different how?”
“So many ways. You're more mysterious. Artistic. And physically... You’re bigger now. Everywhere" She strokes her hand over my biceps and pecs and lower on my abdominal muscles.
I'm powerless against her words, the look of lustful wonder in her eyes, and her hands leaving a trail of fire on my skin. My cock hardens with a speed and intensity that makes me light-headed. I've never sprung that hard or fast, not after I've just come. Fuck, this woman's praise does something to me.
"Whoa, easy there big boy," she pushes back against the hardness suddenly poking and twitching against her thigh.
“Well, what did you expect, after telling me I'm hotter and sexier.”
“That's not what I said," she giggles. "I said 'bigger', that's an objective observation"
"That's not what he heard"
"My cock"
"You're unhinged"
I laugh, jostling her. "I'm being serious, I hadn't even processed what you said, apparently it's got a mind of its own."
She rolls her eyes, although hasn't stopped touching me. "Speaking of which actually you're different that way too. You're… more intense in bed I mean. Bossier. Demanding. Provocative. You go harder on me now, push me more than you used to do."
"And you, my sexy siren, are fucking loving it. You come much harder than you used to way back."
She blushes. "Yes, that's true. But you weren't like that before. Did you—did someone change you, make you like those things?"
I laugh. "Baby, you were eighteen, and a virgin. I wanted to marry you, not have you running for the hills after the first few times. I was waiting for a time like this. A time when I'd be able to tell you exactly what I want and how I want it. And you would do it all, and beg me for more."
Her breathing becomes erratic, her thighs clenching. "Now why don't you show me that beautiful pink pussy that wants to be filled." Her thighs part on a moan and I slide a finger between her wet folds.
"I expect you to do the same Bree, ask for what you need."
"Uh-huh" Her eyes get unfocused.
“And to answer you, I think your idea about meeting your uncle and aunt is splendid. It would be an honor baby. Thanks.”