“He was just some cokehead Sam knew. I think he was called Pyp.”

My fists curl. “And what happened that night you lured me into the Fusion Club parking lot?”

“I— I put something in her drink. Jordan, I’m so sorry.” She covers her face and sobs.

“Keep going,” I say, deadly soft.

“Tim said he wanted you to see her with someone, that the photos weren’t enough proof. He sent someone to give me the pill, with instructions on when to put it in her drink.”

“I went to see her just before she was due to come off work and got her to sit with me. I knew she was hurting because you left and she was worried about her dad. She was glad to have someone to speak to. So she sat and had a coffee with me.”

Disgusting predator. My lips curl in a snarl, and Molly apparently terrified of the rage on my face, talks faster.

“When we left the restaurant, she started to feel dizzy, and I was scared. I didn’t know what sort of effect it was going to have. Sam had rented a car and put her in the back seat, so we drove her to the club’sparking lot.”

“I was so scared. She kept calling your name and—and,” she drops her voice, “and she was moaning.” She sobs. “I felt so terrible I’d done that to her. I called Tim and he said to find her what she wants. A man.” She dissolves into a fit of sobs now.

An aphrodisiac. I’ll fucking bury Tim. My knuckles have whitened against the folder I’ve got in a death grip.

“So what happened?”

“We waited a while and then Pyp came and got into the car. When he saw the state Bree was in, he said he couldn’t do it because he was high and so was she. And then he confessed he was gay and he'd only agreed because he needed the money.

Sam panicked, and that's when he told me Tim ordered him to do a sex tape as backup, to be released to you in case you didn't show up at the parking lot to witness the setup. I didn’t know this part, I swear."

I nod for her to continue, sickened that Tim would descend this low.

“But I sent you that message and you decided to come to Fusion, so I mussed her up a bit and Sam made Pyp get in the car with us and pull down his jeans and make it look like something was happening. But Pyp refused to have himself or Bree recorded. And he didn’t touch her. I swear. No one did.”

“Even a cokehead had more morals than you both.”

She sniffles. “After… after you left, Bree fell asleep in the club. We couldn’t take her home or to the hospital. Sam wanted to leave her at a park but it was past midnight. So, we left her by Percy Road and anonymously tipped the emergency service.”

“What is most revolting is that you continued to act like her friend. Both of you.”

“I was—we were trapped. I really like Bree and was eaten up by guilt. But Tim kept us on a short leash with threats if we ever confessed.”

I ask the final question. “And was there any other person who contacted you for anything about this case?” Like Brendan Farrington.

“No, it was just Tim— and the guy who gave me the pill.” The monster knows enough not to get his hands dirty.

A police officer walks into the restaurant and Molly goes as white as a sheet. Beads of perspiration appear on her brow. “Please Jordan. Please. I’ll do anything, please. If not for me then think of Freddie, he’s only three.”

“Stay here,” I say. She nods, not even daring to look at the police officer.

I talk briefly with the officer and then return to Molly.

Sliding back into the seat, I ask her, “You have told me all you know?”

“I swear, everything I know about that night. Please, you said if I told you everything—”

“What? That you wouldn’t be arrested? Not for fraud, I keep my word after all, I grab the manila folder. But being involved in kidnapping and assault? Yeah, you can kiss your freedom goodbye.” Her tears are falling freely now.

“The only way out of this is if you and Sam can prove useful in helping the police nail Tim and anyone else involved. That is, if you even have anything on him.”

“No I don't but I'm sure Sam does. I think he's kept a record of all the conversations they ever had. He’s always been paranoid but it has got so much more out of control in the past few years. Tim checks in on him every few months to keep Sam in check.”

“Well, things may yet look up for you. The officer over here has some more questions, so be good and extend the same courtesy to him. Tell him everything.”