Somehow I don’t agree with that. I’m such a distant past of Jordan's, I doubt I'll have any relevance to his life now, to the point that his current circle of friends would be aware of our history. I shrug. “Come on, let's go meet him then, you’ll see what I mean.”

“What now? No way.” She pulls me back. “Grant’s there.”

“So what?”

“I can’t, not with him looking at me with his laser eyes. I might embarrass myself in front of Xavier, and then I’d have zero chance with the hot billionaire.”

I roll my eyes. “Wow. That doesn’t even make sense. Dalia, you have zero interest in Xavier Bennett, you’re just all mouth. The man you want is right next to him. Chicken.”

She sticks out her tongue.

“Well, in that case", I say shaking my head in amusement, "go see who isn't here yet while the grownups talk. I’ll join you guys soon.”

Dalia quickly heads in the opposite direction while I move toward the men.

“Here she is!” Grant gushes as he sees me approach. “Sabrina dear.” He air kisses both my cheeks. “You look lovely.”

“Thanks,” I say. I’m casually dressed in cream cargo pants, a black crop top, and flat, tan pumps. My face is devoid of makeup and I've pulled my hair into a ponytail.

“Hey, Sabrina.” Xavier gives me a hug which from anyone else would be weird because I’ve only met him once before but he’s got one of those warm personalities, the kind that instantly makes you feel at ease.

“Xavier, I really appreciate this. This space is beyond gorgeous.” I look around again. “I mean, the lights, the size of it, the decor and furnishing… It’s just breathtaking. Thank you.”

Xavier’s lips twitch, a deep groove appearing in one cheek, his green eyes twinkling. He seems amused by the depth of my gratitude. Why does he make me feel like his little sister?

“Sabrina. It’s fine. Honestly.”

“Yeah, we can't have a pretty thing like you looking at him with those big, golden eyes like he’s Santa Claus on a Christmas morning,” Grant chips in. “It’s gonna go to his head a little.” I laugh while Xavier just shakes his head. Grant is so off with the vibe between us. Xavier suddenly looks into his phone.

“Well, I should go anyway. I’ll leave you in the club manager’s hands, he’ll swing by in a couple of hours to see if you guys need anything. Anything, okay Sabrina? Let him know and he’ll sort it.” He gives my shoulder a quick squeeze and leaves.

“Right," says Grant. “All set?”

I look around at the lighting and set up guys going about like worker bees. All the art pieces are already on site, safely locked away in one of the large rooms on this floor. “I think so. It's all coming together nicely.”

Dalia is chatting with one of the handymen who’s being super friendly. It looks like flirty banter.

I catch the muscle working in Grant’s jaw before he turns back to me.

“Grant,” I say, “I hope you don’t mind me saying this but you know Dalia likes you right?”

He glances back at Dalia for a long time. Gawking, I’d say.

“It’s complicated.” He finally huffs out a breath.

“Like Canada complicated?”

“She told you?”

“She’s my friend,” I say like that explains everything. “So, are we meeting your girlfriend anytime soon?”

He snorts. “Probably not.”

“Okay.” That doesn’t sound promising. “Well, Dalia is wonderful. And she’s not going to be available for long. Actually, she’s working double time to make sure she kills what she feels for you.”

Grant looks again at Dalia, who’s now laughing at something the guy said. He throws his head backward and stares at the ceiling. “For a moment I thought she was just toying with me.”

“No, Dalia isn't the sort to play games.”