I have a few things to finish in Henderson alright. I'm waiting for Bree to finish high school next month, so we can get a marriage license and then move to Houston together for the final leg of my three-year training. Then it's off to Connecticut where she’ll attend UConn or Yale to study Art History while I finish my postgraduate at Yale School of Management.
However, I would never, on the pain of death, reveal this to Father. Not that I need his permission to marry, but being the controlling jerk that he is, anything he doesn’t approve of will get squashed like a bug. And he would never approve of my relationship with Bree because of our different social class.
I used to travel to the Bakersfield rigs every fortnight for two weeks, but lately, we decided to postpone any more traveling until Bree could go with me. The craving for each other has gotten so bad since she turned eighteen two months ago and we got physically intimate.We'd grown that much closer and just wanted to be near each other all the time, even when we weren't having sex.
Waiting had been my idea. She’d begged, then bargained, then threatened to get someone else to take her virginity. In the end, she’d waited, and it had been so worth it.
I’ve been wanted and lusted after, but never have I been this needed by another human being. It was exactly the same for me. I felt like I couldn’t breathe unless I was with her.
We were spending a lot of time together between preparing for her summer job interviews, college applications, and social events she’d asked me to take her to, like the prom, double dates with friends or just hanging out and talking. Out of respect I never spent the night at her house and because of school, we tried to wait until Friday evenings except for times when the longing got unbearable, but the weekends were ours alone, to the exclusion of others.
“Son, your sudden need to drag your feet couldn’t possibly have anything to do with Bobby Wells’s daughter could it?”
Someone’s been tattling.
“Yes, I know about the little whore you’ve been frolicking with because you haven't been discreet about it. For God’s sake are you soft in the head? Taking her to the fucking prom! Is she even legal?”
I flinch.
She is now. Barely.
“This is not New York but they have media and paparazzi around here too you know? By all means, have a fling with the local girls all you want, I doubt they even know what a real man feels like between their legs.”
I curl my fist in my lap in an effort to contain my temper.
“But you’ve been blatantly careless with this one. Do you know how many articles the PR team has had to intercept? How many fires they’ve put out because of this…girl.”
“Woman,” I say under my breath, fuming silently.
“Excuse me?”
“Woman.” My voice rises. “My woman. And I’ve not bothered to hide it because I love her.”
Father looks like he might throw up. “She’s in high school!” he shouts.
“Jesus, listen to yourself. Of all the women you could be fooling around with, it has to be one with no family or pedigree. No breeding. Nothing! The daughter of a hired hand. The help! For goodness sake, you are a Farrington!” he roars. “Does that not mean anything to you?”
“It means plenty, but still has fuck all to do with who I marry.”
His heavy brows almost collide with his hairline. “What!” He’s livid. “Did you just say marry? You can’t be presuming to put this little gold-digging whore in the same sentence as marriage.”
I stand so abruptly that my chair falls backward. I lean over the desk and get into his face.
“Respectfully Father, if you ever talk that way about Sabrina again, I solemnly swear you will lose a few teeth.”
His eyes widen. Not in fear. Surprise maybe. Then his shoulders slump in resignation and he puffs out a sigh.
“Jordan. Son, sit.”
I remain standing.
“There was something I actually wanted to tell you about. I didn’t mean for the conversation to go so leftward. There’s a reason I reacted so strongly to this woman you were rumored to be seeing.”
Okay. ‘Woman’. Sounds like Father’s getting with the program.
I straighten my chair and sit.