“And I’m only super proud of you. What did your Uncle Ben have to say?”

“His gout kicked up so he couldn't manage the long drive, and Aunt Bea isn’t very good with public transport.” Uncle Ben had rung the night before the exhibition, telling me about his gout that suddenly flared on his foot.

“Aw, that’s a shame. So you were there all by yourself?”

“Oh it’s alright Drew, it was just work. I wouldn’t expect anyone to visit me. I mean, maybe when I start organizing private exhibitions I’ll want a bit more support then.”

“Is that looking like something that could happen soon?”

“Yeah Drew, I think I might start soon. I’ve got a few offers already,” I say excitedly, "so I expect more will come in time."

“Whoo, that’s what I’m saying kiddo, show those New Yorkers how it’s done.”

I chuckle. "Thanks, Drew."

Ethan's offer stands out because it's a chance to break into the Manhattan art market which is a dream come true for me.

If only he wasn't Jordan's business partner. And friend.

“So are you making friends yet? You know you do tend to keep to yourself a bit.”

“Hello pot, meet kettle.” Drew hardly socializes, at least, not since we lost Dad.

“Ach! It’s not even the same. I’m getting old, but you're young, smart, and beautiful. You can't keep all of that covered inside.”

“You say that like you’re a hundred Drew, you’re just fifty-six. A silver fox by all standards.”

He guffaws. “I’ll take the silver. I don’t know about the fox bit though. How about a tortoise? You know, to match the torso.”

“Well tortoises tend to live forever so there’s that.”

“So, have you met anyone yet?” Drew’s like a dog with a bone. I wonder if he scents blood in the water.

“Yes of course I have, from work. Dalia is my assistant but she’s more of a friend now, which is great.”

“Dalia. Okay. You meet any men yet?”

Shit. He knows.

I debate on whether to come clean and tell him.

And say what? By the way, in less than a month I've reconnected with Jordan Farrington, the reason you didn't want me near New York in the first place, demon spawn of Lucifer whose family put ours in the ground eight years ago.

Drew’s funny bone could tickle as much as it likes, he not getting anything out of me. Besides, it’s a non-issue. Yesterday was just a physical release of years of denying each other closure. There could never be anything there.

“Not yet.”

“What's wrong with all the men in New York anyway, are they blind?”

“It's only been four weeks! And I've been busy with work.” I don't know why I'm here defending New York men.

“I’m kidding! Take your time darling. Just know you deserve the absolute best and don't settle for anything less.”

“Aw, thanks, Drew.”

We end the call and I take a deep breath. Don't settle for anything less. Just what I needed to hear.

Drew's psychic alright.