“And to think you saw him for the first time after almost a decade, after that amount of baggage, right at the start of the exhibition and you still kept it together. Honestly Bree, that was class.”

“Thanks, Dalia,” I say, genuinely warmed by her words. I could do with more reassurance on my frayed confidence right now.

“Are you sure this is okay though?” I’m still feeling all kinds of self-conscious for imposing on Dalia this way. Our friendship was not anywhere near messy boy problem territory, and what happened yesterday was make or break. Either our relationship steps up to be able to deal with this or it crashes and burns.

“Come on Bree, I don’t think you know how much it means to me that you felt able to trust me yesterday. I could really do with a friend right now.” She looks at me almost shyly.

I smile back. “Honestly? So could I.”

I didn’t realize just how much I needed a girlfriend until Dalia walked into my office minutes after Jordan left me. She looked like a fierce warrior.

“What happened?” She took in the state of the room. She could probably smell the sex. And if that wasn’t apparent, the books, files, and loose sheets strewn all over the floor would be a dead giveaway.

“What did he do Bree?” She asked, squatting next to me as I struggled to clear the mess. She grabbed my shaky hands in hers to stop my frantic picking.

“Bree! What the fuck did he do?” I saw blue murder in her eyes and understood she was imagining the worst.

“Nothing I didn’t want him to.”

Her mouth formed an O. “O-kay. Are you okay though? You look...Jordan said—”

“He said what?” I asked sharply.

“He just came up to me and ask that I check on you. I saw when he followed you in here.”

“Yeah um." I felt my cheeks heat and I can't meet her eyes "Gosh, this is so embarrassing.”

“Hey Bree, look at me. No judgment here at all, trust me. I’m a bit envious if I’m being honest.”


“Grant,” she whispered. “I was dying tonight. If he breathed on me I think I could come. Now that is embarrassing.”

In spite of myself, I started laughing. The mental image she painted was so ridiculous.

“I think you handled yourself really well considering you had him on your team and following you around all evening,” I tell Dalia.

“I know, which is why I’m so wound up. Let me just put it out there that if Grant ever makes the mistake of following me into a room with a closed door tonight, he’s not going to able to walk straight by the time I’m done with him.”

I laugh. “Down girl. Can you at least wait until after the exhibition before sinking your claws into our beloved feature artist?

“Only if the lead curator will refrain from mauling unsuspecting members of the audience.” We giggled like schoolgirls.

“I must admit though, I was the one who got mauled. Within an inch of my life, I might add.”

“No lies. You certainly look the part.” I gasped and she collapsed onto the floor again in fits of laughter.

Rising to my feet, I started to fix my hair. Dalia got up more slowly. "I've got an idea."

“What if I did the closing? That way you can run up to the bathroom. I keep an extra brush in the supply cupboard.”

She gestures to her hair, explaining, “I have to keep conditioner and a brush close by to fight the frizz you see."

"And I would completely understand if you need to cut out early. Because Jordan is still there, and he's unlikely to leave soon because he's interested in quite a few of the pieces. Ethan's been asking for you but I can always book him a call with you after work.

I looked at her, tears springing to my eyes. “Dalia I—"

She took me in her arms and hugged me tight, something I didn't realize how much I needed.