Agnes ventures with a hand on his shoulder. He doesn’t shrug it away this time. Good, he'll do well to accept whatever comfort and friendship is thrown his way, however ingenuine, as there’s likely to be very few in his future. His wife will be divorcing him soon.

“This must be a dream come true for you.” Brendan levels me with a cold stare.

“Actually Father, the dream was yours. You might find some satisfaction in that once the dust settles.”

“Jack," I address the company secretary, "please get a team together to plan my father’s retirement. he can have a small party if he so wishes, but nothing official. They’ll also see that his desk is cleared in the next forty-eight hours.”

“Yes sir.” Jack smiles.

I address the room. “You'll agree there has been enough excitement for the day. I propose we adjourn and finish this later, sometime in the next week. For those who haven’t had much time to consider this change, please speak to Jack. I’m also happy to answer your questions in person or take resignations as the case may be. In the meantime my assistant Danny will keep you posted.”

“Tim. Can I ask you to remain behind?" Tim Hadfield looks as white a sheet, his head bobbing with tremors. He keeps looking at my father. Too bad his crime boss has just lost his seat of power.

"Nick and Roger, if you would be so kind as to meet me at lunch tomorrow?” The Marketing and Human Resource Officers sport looks of fear and shock. They're the closest to Father, and I suspect they know what's coming.

“Thank you all for your time today. I look forward to seeing you again next week.”

Realizing they have been dismissed, the board disperses with an alacrity that almost makes me smile. Most likely rushing back to their teams to disseminate the news. No need. It was released on the company intranet and through the media the moment I stepped into the boardroom.

“Let's go home, darling.” Agnes takes her husband’s hand, urging him up but he's slow to respond. My fists clench.

I feel Bree's delicate hand close around my wrist, offering her silent support, and I link our fingers. She knows me. Despite the lack of relationship between my father and me, shocking and embarrassing him isn't something I relish.

Finally, still looking dazed, he stands and his wife links her arm with his. He lets her lead him out of the room.

Before Father leaves, he turns back.

“Jordan.” He tips his chin. If I didn’t know better I’d say the look behind his now pale, haunted face is that of grudging respect. But for all I know could be malevolence.

“Father,” I return. He leaves with Mother.

As soon as they clear the threshold, I yank off my tie and undo a few buttons. I roll my neck from side to side. This second bit with Tim and the detectives is going to be interesting.

I find Sabrina watching me with her molten-gold eyes. “Are you okay?” She asks.

“It’s all going to plan, so yes. What about you love, you look flushed. Are you up for the next part?”

“Yeah, I’m good babe thanks." She smiles wryly, "I just… you know, watching you being bossy is such a turn-on.”

I chuckle, lifting our linked hands to my lips. “Are you sure me, just breathing, doesn’t turn you on?”

“Jordan, your ego should have its own zip code.”

"You're crazy about me. What did you expect it'll do to my ego?"

She rolls her eyes. Which only makes me smile wider.

For the next hour, Detectives Pedroni and Landry set to work on Tim Hadfield. He doesn't have his lawyer present so there's a limit to how much they could get out of him, but I've never in my life been as entertained watching someone squirm. Even my innocent Bree looked like she'd kill for a bowl of popcorn.

That's the spirit, incoming Mrs Farrington.



Six Months Later

The wedding reception is a small affair meant only for family and friends.