"And you're just telling me this now!

I shrug, "I just remembered."

Dalia puts the pitcher down and turns back into the house. "I'll have to bring her some of my new lavender batch. It's to absolutely die for." She's really excited now. "Oh, I so love meeting the parents!"

"Just how many parents have you met Marge Simpson?" I yell after her.

"None yet, but I'm sure I'll be a natural with older people" She says and it sounds like she's rummaging through what must be a mountain of wax shapes and figures. I hope she finds what she wants quickly because it's getting late.

"Wouldn't it be fucking fantastic if everyone had your optimism?"

"No I'm actually serious Bree, you'll see when we get there."

She really means to charm my uncle and aunt. I chuckle in amusement.

Grant missed a freaking good one here. Things had been great between them for a couple of weeks. And then Canada came calling. Apparently, his breaking up lit a fire up the woman's backside and she decided to fight for her man.

Caught between two women, Grant had allowed himself a moment of indecision, something Dalia took a big cue from and gracefully bowed out of the ensuing love triangle. "For good" she swore.

I think Dalia did the right thing in that situation, although I'm hardly one to talk, considering my spectacular failure in maintaining my resolve not to speak to Jordan again has led me right back to the emotional mudhole I started at, almost three months ago.

This time I'm never speaking to the cheating asshole again.

Dalia's been gone for almost five minutes. Just how many candles is she getting? "Dalia" I call out. "It's a two-hour drive to Uncle Ben's and I'd like to get there sometime this year."

"Not if I'm behind the wheel, it isn't," She appears with an armload of candles, "You drive like a geriatric snail on crutches."

"That's not even a fucking thing."

"Yeah, it is potty mouth. Might wanna watch your language around Aunt Bea."

She hasn't even met them. I say deliberately. "Christ on a cracker, why in the fucking hell did I fucking agree to take you?"

She shakes her head. "I don't think you crammed enough F-words in there, there's room for at least two more. By the way, since we're sharing and all that, I thought I'd mention that you've been cursing a lot more since your epic affair, and break up with… the hot blue-eyed hunk who shall forever remain unnamed."

I gasp. Dalia knows not to bring him up. It's an unspoken rule.

I'd been completely devastated and sobbing my eyes out on Friday and most of yesterday. Today, I'm heartsick and irritable, but at least now able to function without every single thing reminding me of him and jerking the tears back out.

"Too soon?" Dalia ventures toward me like she's approaching a hand grenade.

It's not even funny so I don't know why I start to laugh.

"I hate you, girl."

"Yeah me too. Rules are meant to be smashed in babe."

Chapter 20


When Dalia and I arrive at Uncle Ben’s house, we find the front door wide open and the screen on, so I know they’re in the yard behind the house.

The lounge is empty but we can smell the smoke of the barbecue going already and there are voices out back. I stop to put the potato salad in the kitchen and the lemonade in the fridge.

Someone laughs outside and I freeze. It’s not Uncle Ben’s wheezy laughter.

Why does that person sound so familiar?