“Calm down. I got the shot after you jumped me several weeks ago. So you’re fine to do what you want.”

“What I want, is that right?” I start to tickle her until she begs for mercy.

“So, what are you doing after work today?” I ask after she settles.

“I have an early finish so I think I’d do a bit of baking, a pie for Uncle Ben, perhaps cheesecakes for Bonnie and Dalia. Would you like something as well?”

“What, like a cookie? Absolutely. The thing is though, I like mine moist. Like really soggy. Completely soaked. Drenched, in warm maple syrup, dripping—”

“Eww!” she screeches. “Oh my God, Jordan you’re so disgusting!”

“What? That was an innocent order I was making right there, I’ll have you know.” I laugh.

“Yeah right. I bet it was.” She looks like she’s debating something.

“What?” I tuck a stray lock behind her ear.

“I had a thought, maybe—if you like that is, you could meet Uncle Ben and Aunt Bea on a weekend. But, I don’t want to jinx things. We don’t even know what we’re doing here—”

“Whoa. Speak for yourself. I know what we’re doing.”

“What’s that?”

“Picking up where we left off. We never broke up you know.”


“I know, it scares you when I talk like that.” He kisses my forehead, then moves to start tracing the shell of my ear. “Have I ever told you how much I love your cute and pointy ears?”

“They are not pointy!” She covers them with her hands.

“I hear you. We’ll stick with cute then.”

“Is that why you drew it?”

I nod. "I did more than your ears though." I've sketched almost every single part of her.

“What’s with the drawing anyway? I never knew you could do that.”

“It's something I’ve always done, but only perfected after high school. I would go to Christina’s art studio and sketch for ages.”

“Dennis’s Christina?” Her eyes are wide with surprise.

“Yeah, they’re family friends. I’d draw and she’d paint. We both found it calming.” I absently trace a design on her belly.

“We realized I could draw better from memory than sight. Photographic memory she calls it.” I call it torture, not being able to forget minute details of things, especially when they hurt.

“Then I went to college and my life was taken over by my business major and getting groomed for Apex Energy so I didn’t have time to draw anymore. Until the army. Hell, I missed you so much, all I did was sketch you.”


I nod. “Not all of you, I wouldn’t want men gawking. I just did parts, like your eyes, or your hands. And then they thought to find something more productive for me and got me sketching felons. Then I got into security, cyber operations, and computer engineering.”

“When I left the Army, I fell back into old habits and started drawing with Christina again.”

“You know, when I first met Christina, I could have sworn she knew me from somewhere.” Bree says.

“Yeah, she must have recognized many of your features from my sketches. She's very perceptive, hardly misses a thing.”