Then add in a few more Farringtons, one at a time. Great. Every single member of my family is a piece of work.

She shakes her head. “I still can't believe this sudden change. The lengths we go for love dear.”

“Almost as steep as the prices we pay,” I finish.

“Mr. Farrington.” Danny’s voice comes back on the intercom. “I've got Mr. Kravinski on line two.”

“Great, thanks.”

Mother stands, then leans to give me a kiss on my cheek. “I’ll see myself out, darling. See you soon.”

“Hey Mitch,” I say after the conference room door shuts. Mitch is a private investigator who is well known for his quick turnaround time.

“Hi Jordan.”

“You’re good?”

“Same old. What do you have for me?”

“There’s a woman in Henderson, Nevada called Molly. She’s married to a guy named Sam. I’m in Henderson tomorrow. I need to see her.”

“That narrows it down,” he says sarcastically.

“Dyson Park High School, class of 2014.”

“You could have led with that.”

“I thought I’d let the expert do his thing.” I chuckle. “And Mitch?”


“If there’s any dirt, I want it.”

“Okay, give me a couple of hours.”

I disconnect the call and reach for my mobile phone.

I find Bree’s number and dial.

“Jordan! You saved your number in my phone!” Her sweet, lilting voice warms me.

“I thought I’d save you the stress of begging for it.” She giggles.

“How are you baby? What are you doing?” She's taken the day off work because of last evening's exhibition.

“I’m good, just lazing it up today. I’ll have lunch with the girls at some point this week.”

“Glad to hear you’re feeling better. So sounds like you’ve got no plans for dinner tonight?”

“No, not yet.”

“Now you do. I’d like to make you dinner at my place. And I would really love it if you’d stay with me tonight. I know you’re working tomorrow. I’m out of town first thing myself but I can have my chauffeur drive you to work.”

She hesitates. “Okay.” I released the breath I didn't realize I was holding.

“I’ll pick you up at six.”

Chapter 16