"I hear you." He gets up and pulls his slacks on, coming to sit beside me at the edge of the bed.

He asks quietly. “So Bree, was that the reason you went back to your ex?”

Chapter 14


“My what?” Bree’s eyebrows rise almost to her hairline in surprise.

“Ex-boyfriend. A guy named Murph. Or Murphy.”

“What the hell are you talking about? I don’t know of any Murphy. I’ve only got one other ex and we broke up two years ago. You were my first boyfriend, you know that.”

Going over this is like scraping a jagged knife over festering scabs. “That’s what I thought too. Until I saw pictures of you two when I was in New York. You wouldn’t pick up my calls.”

“New York? I thought you were in Houston?”

“I was only in Houston for a week and then I left for New York because my father suffered a heart attack. That’s why I stayed away for so long.”

"Oh," She pauses for a moment. "I thought— I don't know what I thought."

If only you'd trusted me enough. We wouldn't have needed to be raked over hot coals.

It's done now anyway. Getting annoyed at her won't solve anything. She was eighteen and scared and made to choose between her father and her fiancé. Any choice she made would have had painful consequences.

“But Jordan, what pictures are you talking about? Did your people feed you that rubbish too? It’s a hoax, I’m telling you, I did nothing of the sort.”

“Actually Bree, I ah…” The words lodge in my throat. I’m back again at that club parking lot, watching helplessly as my heart is ripped out of my chest. “I saw you.”

She rears up. “You saw me?! Where? Doing what? When?”

“With him. Whoever the guy was. On July fifteenth, at Fusion nightclub, around 11 p.m."

She gasps. “That’s not possible.”


“Don’t baby me right now Jordan. Tell me what you think you saw.”

“Are you saying you don’t remember?”

“I’m saying it didn’t happen. I was in the hospital on that day.”

“No, Sabrina, you certainly were not.” I feel the heat rising from the pit of my belly. “You were in the back seat of a red Honda Fit.”

She stands to face me, arms folded across her chest. “Is that so? Fine. What was I doing there?”

“Sabrina. Come on. There’s no need to lie. Yes, seeing it fucking broke my heart but I forgave you and I never stopped loving you. What you won't do is insult my intelligence by denying that it happened. There’s only so much bullshit I can stomach.”

“Jordan, do not test me right now,” I yell. “If you want to call me a liar then have the guts to say what you caught me doing.”

“You really need me to spell it out? Fine!” I stand and get into her face. “You do the math. This asshole comes out of the back seat with his cock out, drags you out with your skirt around your waist naked under there as the day you were born, looking all dazed and about as nimble as a newborn foal. Kinda like when you’ve just been freshly fucked—”

The force of the slap that lands across my face is satisfying. I close my eyes, savoring the sting. It was either that or I’d keep talking. Until I said something irreparably insulting. When I open my eyes she has such a stricken look on her face, if I didn’t know better I’d say it was I who slapped her.

“Ring a bell yet?” I ask coldly.

“Get the fuck out of my house.”