I laughed in spite of the ball of nerves in my gut. “So is it on with him then?”

“There's a lot of flirting still, and he’s definitely interested, but I’m not going to get into a love triangle, so yeah, I’m keeping it light until he sorts things out.”

“I respect that. Good for you girl.”

“Thanks, Bree. Okay. Do you want me to help get the audience’s attention and have you take it from there?”

The plan was to get the audience’s attention and deliver the introduction through the public address system, then start the quick tour in groups for those who wanted to experience the art through the eyes of an expert.

“Sure thing.” I gave her a tight hug. “You’re the best Dalia.”

“I know right.” We both laughed as we exited the bathrooms.

I'm exhausted from pacing and obsessing over tonight's events but my nerves are too shot to sleep, so I grab a bottle of red wine and go to my kitchen table.

Tonight. Jordan had whispered that to me. I heard it clearly. That one word was both a promise and torture.

I got back around midnight, showered, and changed into shorts and a T-shirt. All I’ve done since then is wait.

I know Jordan got my message loud and clear about coming here but how will he find me? Only Dalia knows where I live and Jordan left the exhibition long before Dalia did so he couldn't get it from her.

I don’t have his phone number and he doesn’t have mine. Maybe he’ll get it from Ethan or Grant and call me first. I check that my phone isn't on silent. For the sixth time.

I pour myself a glass of wine and lean back. Maybe he’s not even coming. Maybe Leticia didn’t let him leave. Maybe he’s in bed with her now. He introduced her as his friend, but they were clearly comfortable enough to be so touchy-feely. My gut twists painfully at the thought.

What do I want from him? I don't know but I'm hoping like mad I can figure it out as soon as I see him.

I hear a light rap on the door and my heart drops to my feet.

He’s here. Oh God, it's Jordan. He's finally here! I asked him to come to get him away from Leticia but what do I really want from Jordan? An apology? Sex? Certainly not a relationship, because that can never happen.

I walk slowly to the door, my heart in my throat. I don’t bother to check the peephole. I know it's him. I unlock the door and throw it open.

Jordan stands there, tall and imposing. He’s changed into jeans and a black T-shirt which clings to his muscled torso. His eyes are scorching in their assessment. I’m sure I look like a different woman compared to what he saw earlier tonight. My feet and legs are bare, my ratty nightwear is thin and worn, my face scrubbed clean of makeup, and my hair up in a messy bun.

“Hi.” His voice is gravelly.

I stand aside to let him in. As he passes I’m assailed by his unique, spicy, musk scent. I shut the door slowly but I’m too nervous to turn around.

I feel the warmth of his stare on me, and then his arms snake around my waist, dragging me back against him. My head falls back onto his chest and my arms, of their own accord, rise until they settle at his nape, digging into his silky hair. The movement lifts my achy breasts, dragging my tight nipples across the thin shirt. His erection is hot and heavy against the small of my back but he continues to hold me, not making any further move.

This is wrong. So, so wrong. Why then does it feel so fucking right?

“Baby. I’m here. Talk to me. Ask me anything.”

Of all I could ask, the first thing I want to know is, “Leticia?”

“Meredith’s friend, and my cousin. She’s like a sister to me.”

My heart leaps in joyful relief.

“So who is the woman in the centerpiece?”

Jordan doesn’t ask me how I know he did it. The same way I don’t ask how he found my apartment. He takes a deep breath and then moves his lips to kiss the spot just below my ear. “You,” he whispers.

I’m shocked. I turn around to face him. His eyes. God, his eyes. I could drown in their intensity. The hunger in them is so palpable. He keeps one arm still around my waist but the other takes my bun down, letting the silky strands fall loose as he takes a handful of it. He holds me still and I can't look away.

“Anything else you’d like to ask?”