“Oh?” Bree looks at me. Is she… hurt? An almost panicked look comes over her, and suddenly the mask falls away. I see everything as plain as day. Fuck me. How blind could I be? Talk to me Bree, I silently implore.

“Yes, Jordan’s taking me home," Letty says, "it's been such a long day, hasn't it babe?” I can't respond. I'm watching Bree as if my life depends on what she's about to tell me.

“Well, I hope to see you again soon.” She's not talking to Letty.

“Thanks for having us.” Letty links her arm with mine.

Suddenly I don’t want to leave. I want to get her alone. “Bree—”

“I know, you've been wanting to talk about getting more art for your office space.” Bree’s voice wavers.

Fuck yes!

She casts a quick, furtive look at Letty who seems bored. I play along. “Yes, I did. I still do. I know you're super busy.”

“I apologize, my schedule has been horrendous, between Century and private showings like this, I've not been able to find the time."

She meets my eyes “But with this exhibition done now, my schedule is somewhat lighter, if you wanted to set something up.”

I want to howl at the moon.

“Does anytime from now work for you? You work from home for your private projects don’t you?”

She licks her lips and I want to kiss her so bad. “Yeah, from my apartment. I don't have a private office yet.”

Got it. “Alright, thanks Bree, I’ll be in touch soon and we can set up something.”

I lean in to kiss her cheek, sorely tempted to linger. “Tonight,” I whisper, then I take Letty’s arm and leave.

Letty’s bored look evaporates once we settle in the limousine.

“Score!” she screeches. “Fuck I’m good, I’m so bloody good, it's scary.”

“Language!” I scold and she rolls her eyes so hard it looks like seizure.

“Anyway, what are you talking about, Letty? What is it you're good at?”

“At matchmaking and reading people, Merry tells me all the time but I've never taken her seriously. I wonder if I should start a dating website. I just might. Ethan owes me anyway, maybe I'll get him to build it as payment”

"Er—calm down Dr. Ruth. I wouldn't quit your day job just yet."

She points at me. “Oh really? I clocked every single of your mad moves tonight. You and Sabrina."

"What moves?" I admit I might have been gawking like a poleaxed lemur once or twice. There was really no help for that, Bree was a fucking smoke show tonight.

"Eyefucking the shit out of each other. Even planning a rendezvous right in front of my face.”

Were we that obvious? “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“She just asked you to come over, didn’t she?”

I say nothing. Maybe Letty isn't completely clueless, I'll give her that.

“You're terrible. Both of you. I actually feel embarrassed for myself.” She giggles. “I'm so glad I’m not your real date.”

Chapter 12
