As far as I know, she may still be my fiancée. I wonder if there are any social rules to an engagement becoming void due to abandonment?

“Got it.” She smiles.

Date or not, I know I’m fucked the moment I set my eyes on Sabrina at the exhibition. My resolve and composure combust as she approaches us with the grace of a sea nymph. Her velvet dress ebbs and dips over dangerous curves and the twin swells of her breasts push against the plunging neckline. I drag my eyes upward, raking over full, red lips and eyes like molten gold.

I do the introductions robotically, my eyes drinking her in, barely noticing Letty pressed up against me until Dennis and Christina join us.

I hug Christina briefly and note the twinkling in her dark eyes.

Jordan, that’s really not something to part with, she chides, motioning to the centerpiece that’s currently getting a lot of attention, then looks meaningfully at Bree.

You know there’s more. Too many to count. I sign back.

I’d say not nearly enough, judging by what I am seeing right now.

She doesn’t know.

Don’t worry, my lips are sealed. Enjoy your evening darling. She grabs Dennis who was in conversation with Ethan and Bree, and they move around the club.

Letty suddenly reaches up and combs back the hair that’s fallen over my brow with her fingers, murmuring something about a haircut. I'm too stunned to react, or perhaps I'm so engrossed in watching Bree, that it's over before I think to pull away from Letty.

For the first time since our paths crossed again, I see the cold indifference in Bree's golden eyes melt, giving way to flashes of heat. Her lush lips thin, and her posture becomes more rigid. Those, to an observant eye, would indicate subtle signs of irritation, but it couldn't be clearer to me if she were waving a red flag, because I know her.

She's livid. Absolutely boiling mad. And so fucking magnificent.

Sabrina abruptly tears her gaze from mine. “If you'll excuse me a moment, we're about ready to start now. I’d better go grab Dalia. Letisha, lovely to meet you, enjoy your evening.” She spins on her heels and saunters away. I can't help gawking.

“Letty, what the hell was that?” I rearrange the hair she only succeeded in ruffling.

“Oh my God this is too easy. She's in love—or at least in strong like with you. This is super fun! Merry will be green with envy.” She sees my scowl. “Oh come on, it's not like she won't eventually find out everything. Plus, I stand a better chance of surviving her envy if I ‘fess up before she has to ask me details.”

For the rest of the night, Bree gives us—me, a wide berth although I feel the heat of her golden gaze. Once or twice I catch her watching and there's a certain softness, a question in her eyes, right before she looks away.

I wanted her even when her eyes gave me nothing. Now that I know she feels something, the desire for her morphs into a compulsion. I have to get her alone. Tonight. It's either that or I go crazy.

I catch Ethan's subtle head shake at some point after Letty had excused herself to the ladies and I realize it's because I'm already gravitating toward Bree.

Back the fuck off jackass I glare back but I stay put until Letty returns.

True to form, Letty does a splendid job of keeping me distracted. She drags me around to look at each of the pieces, making me explain in depth the nuances of the art, essentially wringing a private tour out of me. I find it's not too hard to talk about since I created a number of them and she was genuinely fascinated with my knowledge.

“Jordan can you take me home?” Letty suddenly asks after some time.

“Right now?” I check my watch.

I'd spent all evening plotting how to get Bree alone without Ethan or Leticia getting in the way. I no longer care what it makes me look like. I'll pick my sanity over pride any day.

"We'll be done in about another half hour. Can you wait for just a bit?"

“Not really Jordan, I’m not feeling well. I think I’ve been overstimulated and I feel a bad migraine coming on.”

Oh fuck. “Of course,” I force a smile through tight lips, already formulating an alternative.

I could drop Letty off and return straightaway. Bree is unlikely to leave here early anyway. Actually, that might even work out better than I'd initially planned.

We say our goodbyes to Ethan, Dalia, and Grant then go over to where Bree is chatting to a client.

“Sabrina, darling," Letty gushes excitedly, making me wonder if she really has a migraine, "this was such a phenomenal night but I'm afraid we need to leave.”