“It’s quite indescribable isn't it?” I say.

Christina smiles enigmatically and nods. She looks at my exposed ear and signs.

"Gorgeous earrings." Dennis translates.

She nudges Dennis, shakes her head, and repeats the sign.

“Alright, I hear you. Gorgeous ear."

Dennis rolls his eyes which earns him a loving smack. “Has to be said exactly the way the lady wants it.” He kisses her temple.

"The earrings are nice too, by the way." Dennis continues.

“Thank you, Christina.” I’m confused by the exchange but I can't say any more because I've started to feel the hairs at my nape rise. I don’t need Drew’s sixth sense to know Jordan is in here. In moments I hear his deep voice as he speaks to Ethan. He laughs, and the sound washes over me, tingles racing across my spine. I feel my face heat as my nipples harden instantly. Oh no.

I made the colossal mistake of not wearing a bra tonight. I'd wanted to look stunning and powerful. It appears the joke is now on me.

Dennis is saying something but I really can't hear anything beyond the roaring in my ears. I realize in this instant that repressing everything and refusing to process my feelings for the past six weeks was the most stupid thing to do.

Because the dog I thought was sleeping was actually mutating. He's now wide awake and has turned into a giant, snarling T-Rex.

Christina is watching me with interest. She’s picked up on something. That woman is entirely too intuitive for her own good. And I need to stop being a ball of nerve endings and act like a normal human being, so people won’t notice my reaction to Jordan.

I gather my courage, excuse myself, and approach Ethan and Jordan. Jordan raises his eyes at the same time my gaze falls on him. There’s an almost imperceptible widening in his eyes and a pause in whatever he’s saying before he schools his features again.

Yeah, I bet you felt that too, asshole. It's a small comfort to know I'm not the only one affected by this insane attraction.

He stands tall and looks sickeningly delectable in a simple white v-neck T-shirt over which he’s thrown a tailored gray blazer. His thick, black hair looks messy, with more than a few locks falling over his forehead. My fingers itch to run through his hair so I ball them into a fist.

As I approach, Jordan’s eyes rake over me, hot, dark blue coals I feel all over my skin. I’m hoping the thick, velvet material and dim lighting hide my hard nipples. Perhaps because I’m so taken by him, I don’t notice until the last moment that he’s brought a date. My blood curdles when I see the woman standing beside him.

Brunette, petite, and pretty. What the actual fuck?

“Hello, Sabrina. This is amazing work.” Jesus. Even his voice does naughty things to my insides. Why on earth is that woman plastered to him? She's literally spooning him on his feet.

“Hi, Jordan.” I take the sparkling water Ethan offers. I should say thank you, to Jordan for the compliment and Ethan for the drink but I’m not feeling very polite at the moment.

“This is Leticia, a good friend.” What the hell kind of name is that? “Leticia, meet Sabrina, the curator who’s put all of this together.” He sweeps an arm indicating the room.

Why does it feel like he’s a proud boss, introducing one of his most dedicated employees to her? I feel myself getting angry but I manage to smile graciously.

Leticia beams, revealing gorgeous teeth. I hate her. “Lovely to meet you Sabrina, I’ve heard so much about you.”

My smile freezes on my face. Bitch, that’s so not the thing to say.

“Good things I hope?”

“Oh yeah.” She puts a hand on his chest. “Jordan’s such an art lover, he drags me right into his passion for it.”

And I realize she must be the woman in the sketch.

It was bearable when the woman who posed for him did not exist. But seeing her in real life and with Jordan makes me want to tear out my hair.

"Why would you even bring her here, to my exhibition?" My eyes ask him eloquently. His give me no answers. They just keep raking across my features like they can't get enough. "Does she know what happened between us the last time we met?"

Leticia and Ethan remain strangely silent as Jordan and I can’t seem to tear our eyes away from each other. I get the feeling that our stare-off is becoming awkward for our audience but I don’t care and apparently neither does Jordan.

After what seems like ages, Christina and Dennis decide to join our small group and oblivious to the sudden tense silence, start to chat away. Everyone starts talking again and the mounting tension dissipates.