“Oh. Wow Breeee!,” Dalia singsongs, taking in my soft, midnight blue, velvet bodycon evening dress. It’s long-sleeved and hugs my curves all the way to my ankles. The neckline is a deep v that stops just under my breasts. My long, straight hair is down but pulled over one shoulder so it spills across one side of my chest, ending at my waist. My one exposed ear is dotted with ear studs and cartilage rings. My lips are done in bold red and my eyes are smoked in dark blue.

“You look lethal.” Her gaze drops to my cleavage and she wags her eyebrows. “Hello, girls.”

“See who’s talking. Rapunzel’s finally let down her hair.” Dalia is sporting a glorious mass of shiny ringlets that pour down her back like a black waterfall. Her dark green, strapless dress has a mid-thigh slit.

“More like Merida.” She chuckles, fingering her curls. “I thought I'd the curls breathe and play for a bit tonight.”

“It’s sexy as fuck Dalia. I feel bad for Grant.”

She laughs shyly. “We’ll see.”

She turns to the centerpiece. “It’s so poignant in its beauty, it’s almost scary.”

“I know.” I still can’t believe Jordan did this. He used to love staring at me and trailing his fingers all over my curves as if committing them to memory. The few times we spent the night together, I'd always wake up to him watching me sleep. But he never once asked to draw me. Could he do this all that time? What else don’t I know about Jordan Farrington? And why do I suddenly care?

“Where would you put this art?” Dalia asks.

“Hmm." I consider for a moment. "Definitely not the office or bedroom. It's way too distracting. Something about it digs its claws into you—either the perfection or the flaw, or both—and doesn’t let go.”

“Hallway.” I finally decide. “Every time you pass by and see, it grounds you, reminding you of why you've come back home. Or why you left.”

Before Dalia can respond, the door opens, admitting the early visitors. Ethan and Grant as well.

Grant only has eyes for Dalia, although he manages to say a quick hi, giving me a perfunctory kiss on my cheek. He takes her aside as they chat.

“Absolutely stunning set Sabrina,” Ethan says after Grant and Dalia walk away. “And you look amazing.”

“Thank you, Ethan. You’re not looking bad yourself. How has your week been?” We move toward one of Grant’s photographic pieces.

“Just the usual," Ethan replies curtly. "I imagine yours has been incredibly busy. Putting all this together, plus I hear the gallery is getting a lot of attention as well.”

I feel the smallest bit of… I don't know…tension perhaps, in the air. Ethan is somewhat more reserved, his eyes just a bit more assessing. I dismiss it, telling myself he’s probably just stressed out. Besides, even though Ethan is very attractive, his glasses can make him come across as stern and disapproving.

“Oh well, we can’t be crying about getting more sales and clients," I say, "And it’s the sort of work I enjoy.”

“Sure. I'm glad to hear that. Listen, I’m just going to get some drinks, would you like something?”

“Just water would be great, thank you Ethan.”

“Of course Sabrina, I'll be right back.”

I wander around for a bit, glad to see the club gradually filling up with people. Some of the audience are already impressed and gravitating toward the piece that calls out to them the most.

Part of the early comers is the older couple, Christina and Dennis. And they are right by the centerpiece, Jordan's sketch.

Although my heels make no sound on the thick carpet, and there is music in the background, Christina hears me approach, turns, and gives me a welcoming smile, nudging her husband to notice me as well. She signs something.

You look wonderful. Dennis translates.

"Thank you, Christina. I love your dress" I say, referring to her silk champagne evening gown. Her graying hair is done up in an artful chignon.

Christina's smile widens.

“My word, Sabrina," Dennis looks around, "this location choice and set-up is beyond brilliant. I wonder how you convinced that Bennett boy to hang up his boot for the night.”

I smile. “Thanks, Dennis. I wouldn’t really call it hanging up though. It’s a bit of a mash-up tonight. We’re still expecting the nightclubbers to hit the party but a bit later.”

Christina signs. You know, great minds think alike. For tonight’s theme of “Taking Risks”, I would have chosen this exact one as the centerpiece. She points to Jordan's sketch.