Present Day

In the weeks following the exhibition, we are inundated with orders.

Having nearly all pieces sold out after a single exhibition has never happened in the history of the Century Gallery and we struggle to replace the sold pieces. Even those we got on loan from other galleries are getting sold out fast and it becomes a real task to keep the walls full and interesting for the never-ending influx of art lovers.

Chad is probably getting the worst of the workload since he handles customer inquiries and media attention, but you'd never know that with the way he goes about like a Cheshire cat, offering Dalia and me, or anyone really, cups of coffee. Which it turns out we desperately need with the amount of work we are having to do.

Dalia and I are putting in more hours and although we’re getting paid extra, we can’t wait for the rush to settle. It's been six weeks and the orders don’t seem to be letting up, but we can always hope.

“Ms. Russo is here Bree.” Dalia leans through the open door.

“Already?” I look at the time. “Wow.” 11:20 a.m.

“I know. It's like twenty-four hours isn't even enough anymore. I’ve never worked this hard before,” Dalia grumbles.

“But it's fun right?”

She rolls her eyes. “That’s so not my idea of fun. I haven't even been clubbing in ages!”

“You say that like it’s a crime. What if I told you I’ve never seen the inside of a club before?”

I have to laugh at Dalia’s horrified look. “Never?” she asks and I shake my head.

“I’m sorry, we can't be friends anymore.”

“Never mind, I’ll correct that minor irregularity this weekend.” I chuckle.

On top of how busy I am at the gallery, I'm hosting a private exhibition this weekend. Ethan was relentless and finally got me to commit to a date. I now see why he's so successful- he can wear down an elephant.

At our initial meeting, I declined to take on the project but he kept throwing in more and more perks.

Exclusive rights to Grant's work for a whole year.

A VIP guest list.

Finally, he dangled Empire, an exclusive nightclub in a five-star hotel on 5th Avenue willing to temporarily shut down in order to host the exhibition free of charge. At that point, even Dalia had threatened to dump me as a friend if I didn't take the deal.

I took the deal, hoping it doesn't put me back in Jordan's crosshairs. It's just one night. One last time. After this weekend I would get so much exposure I wouldn't need to speak to Ethan again.

"By Sunday night I'll be as thoroughly immersed in the nightclub life as anyone."

“That is so not the same. It's an exhibition inside of a nightclub. It's not going to give the same vibe without the overly loud music, abundant booze, and sweaty bodies on the dance floor.”

“Well, beggars can't be choosers now.”

Dalia laughs. “I suppose it’ll have to do. Anyway, I’ll have Jan send Ms. Russo in, I just wanted to give you the heads up.”

“Thanks girl, see you at lunch.”

Over the past couple of months, Dalia and I have grown really close. We talk about everything. Everything except Jordan Farrington that is.

Since that morning after the Jordan encounter, I'd declared the issue off-limits and she’d known not to raise it. Which is becoming more difficult as the Empire exhibition draws closer. I know she's dying to ask how I intend to handle seeing Jordan again. Which I have no answer to because I'm determined not to even think about the man.

Dalia and Grant have continued to have a complex relationship, or rather, a lack of one. The girl finally grew a pair and asked Grant out but it turns out he has a girlfriend in Canada. One who I think he needs to break up with because the things that man does to Dalia with his eyes should be outlawed.

I hear a soft knock before the door swings open. My 11:30, Bonnie Russo, enters.

“Hello, Ms. Russo.” I rise to greet her.