I’ve been kissed before. Hundreds of times.

Never like that. And Lord, the way he tastes. Has to be the brandy and cake. No man should kiss like that.

“I think might be in real trouble here,” I say to myself, taking another gulp of water.

The door opens and Bonnie and Brooke pile in.

“Where’s Sabrina?” I ask them.

“With Nora and the rest of the crowd.” Brooke begins. “Now, Stella–”

“That was some fucking Notebook kiss, Stella,” Bonnie interjects, apparently having no patience for Brooke’s well-thought-out questions. “The only thing that stopped me singing your happily ever after is because I know you were both pretending, but fuck if that didn’t look real. And hot as hell.”

I run a shaky hand through my hair. I know. I was there.

“Stella?” Brooke ventures, a hopeful tone in her voice. She’s probably expecting me to say we’ve thrown out the NDAs and prenups and decided to make it a real marriage.

“Yeah. Um.” I huff out a small laugh. “It’s a little confusing…”

“What is confusing?” Bonnie asks.

“Yes, it was an act. Only that…”

“What?” Bonnie snaps impatiently.

“That was our first kiss.”

“What?” They both chorus, looking at me strangely.

I nod my head, and my fingers stroke my still-tingling lips.

“How is that even possible?” Brooke asks.

“I shrug. It’s just not something we’ve… got around to doing. We’re both really busy and…” I trail off realizing how weak my excuse sounds.

Brooke and Bonnie look at each other and then at me.

“If Xavier and I lived in an idyllic lake house like yours, we’d never be able to leave the bed.” Brooke declares.

“Neither would Ethan and I,” Bonnie chimes in.

“Bonnie, don’t be greedy,” Brooke scolds. “You already have a lake in your huge estate, complete with swans and everything.”

“Having a lake on the grounds is so different from living in a glass house that’s floating on a lake. Come on how can you beat that?” Bonnie faces me. “Yes, I snooped. I made Ethan show me your house when Brooke wouldn’t stop raving about it.”

I discreetly close my gaping mouth and hide my shock. I have no clue what house they’re talking about but it seems like other people know. Damon mentioned something about his deck and his lake. I thought he was mad. And now my friends.

There is a lake house somewhere in Seattle.

Brooke surmises. “Anyway, back to the kissing. It may have been your first, but it’s certainly not going to be your last. That much is obvious babe.”

God, I hope so. After kissing me like that, if he dares to crawl back into that strange dark shell and tries to be aloof again, I think I’d strangle him.

Someone knocks and singsongs “Oh bri-ide…you’re wanted at the pong game on the sky deck.”

I glance at the door and groan. “No more games, please. I know Wyatt is going to keep throwing Ryan and me together.”

“True. And there’s only so much sexual tension we can endure before we all combust aboard this yacht! Brook adds. “Don’t worry, we’ll keep you away from the spotlight.”