Ryan steps behind me and pulls me into him, wrapping both arms around my waist. “What can I say, Don? Can’t reveal all my secrets.”
Before anyone can say more, Reuben, a slightly older version of Don, reaches us. I’m surprised how much the Fairchilds look alike despite their fair coloring. Almost all of Ryan’s cousins are blonde, too. I’m the furthest from a genetics expert, but I thought blonde was meant to be recessive.
After a congratulatory back thump for Ryan and an air kiss on my cheek, Reuben puts his arm around Ryan’s shoulders. Leanne leaves her group and approaches us with a haughty grace that’s hard to miss. As if on cue, Reuben mutters something about some blueprints he sent for Ryan to look over, stealthily dragging him away just as Leanne arrives.
“Don, stop hogging the lovely Stella. Let her get to know the rest of our family and my friends.” I see the moment her gaze locks onto my earrings, her spine stiffens, and her smile falters.
“What exquisite earrings, my dear. I’m Leanne.” She looks like she might cry. Or claw them off me.
“Thank you. Yours are pretty stunning, too.” She’s decked in glittering diamonds- a full set of earrings, necklace, and bracelet. Why would a pair of blue diamond earrings upset her so?
She hooks her arm through mine, ushering me toward her intimate circle. It’s like deja vu, watching the social dynamics unfold. I’m quietly impressed by Ryan’s knack for predicting their behavior. After the introductions, Leanne leaves her minions to pump me for information while she hangs back, observing me with hostile curiosity.
When the inevitable questions about my background and education come up, I take Ryan’s advice and turn the conversation back on them. I thought it would be odd but it turns out so very effective.
Finally, having my fill of forced grins, I make my excuses and escape. I deserve another drink, a small celebration for acing yet another milestone without falling flat on my face.
Right on cue, as I step into the now dimly lit garden, Don appears with two flutes in hand, as if he’d planned this moment all along.
I accept the drink he offers with a grateful smile.
“So, Stella,” He drawls. “You’ve, ah, changed quite a bit since I last saw you in our New York office.”
I take a sip of the bubbly champagne, “How so?”
His gaze trails up my dress, lingering in a way that makes my skin crawl. “Well, you’ve somehow shifted from job seeker to star employee.”
His words hit me like cold rain. I was more than ready for Leanne’s unpleasantness, but Don has caught me off guard.
“Excuse me, I should find Gina.”
I make to leave, but he smoothly steps in my way. “Gina’s off with her date. Those two should be giving the Fairchilds another spectacle to swoop in on but Gina won’t do it. Whatever made that girl so wary of commitment is a mystery to me, especially when the man is obviously the best she’ll ever find.”
My hand clenches into a fist, the urge to punch him as strong as it was the last time I actually followed through. It was back in high school, and some jerk made the mistake of calling Vivian a crude name.
What an asshole. I grit my teeth and turn away, reminding myself that this isn’t the place for bloodying people’s noses, however much they deserve it. I take a calming breath instead and ignore him. He’s no longer in my way now but I’ve changed my mind about leaving. I want to hear everything he has to say.
“So, what’s the plan then Stella? Marry him, make him CEO, then divorce him in six months? I know he’s found a loophole in the company policy, which explains your sudden employment.”
“Excuse me?” I counter, channeling my inner shocked and loving wife.
“Hey, I’m on your side, believe it or not. You do know you’ll walk away with nothing if you don’t give him a brat right? And from the look of things,” he glances at my flat belly, “it ain’t happening before your time is up.”
No doubt, seeing the confused look on my face, he presses on. “Oh, he didn’t tell you that, did he? Bet he promised you a lot of money to put your life on hold. How much? Two million? Five?”
Twenty, you rotten cheapskate.
“Don,” I say acidly, “I find it incredibly insulting, not to mention presumptuous of you to suggest that my husband would pay me to marry him.”
He chuckles. “I love the act; it’s brilliant. You’ve even managed to get the great Leanne to back off with those diamonds. But drop the pretense and listen. You might actually learn something.”
His blunt words render me speechless.
“Good,” he says, satisfied he has my full attention. “Now listen, whatever he promised you is tied up in company funds, which can only be released if you give him a child within wedlock. He, on the other hand, will have no further use for you in a few months and will divorce you swiftly.”
“And why are you telling me this? Are you that bitter he edged you out in the race for CEO?”
“Hell, yes I’m bitter. Ryan has always been one for cheap tricks. Anyone can pick up a woman off the street and put a ring on her finger.”