Gina eyes my earrings as we go up the stairs, beaming like a Cheshire cat. “By the way, those diamonds are an absolute crime... talk about a masterstroke.”

“You don’t think they’re over the top?” Ryan laid the blue diamonds on my dressing table this morning with a note—Do me a favor. Wear these tonight

“Over the top?” Gina snorts softly, her approval unmistakable. “Ryan’s playing four-dimensional chess with those. They’re not just jewels; girl, they’re armor.”

I can’t help but feel the undercurrent of tension. “In essence, you’re saying I’m dressed for battle?”

“You’ve got that right,” she affirms. “But here, you’re no pawn. You’re the queen, gunning for a checkmate.”

“So if I’m queen, what does that make you then?”

She winks, mischief dancing in her eyes. “Oh, I’m only a chess square. Except that this square is rigged with a few hundred landmines.”

We both laugh and some of my nerves settle. “I’ve missed you, Gina.”

“Hear that, Ryan?” She yells, though Ryan is well out of earshot and on the other side of the huge mansion. To me she says, “He says I’ll talk your ear off, but I think he just doesn’t want to share you yet.”

“Nonsense,” I mutter, not daring to believe her. “Anyway, how’ve you been?”

“Busy juggling two jobs. I thought Ryan becoming the boss would mean less demand on me.”

“And that hasn’t been the case?” I prod. I know Gina is one of Ocean Gate’s litigation counsels, but I was surprised to learn that she also offers free legal aid to those in need.

She shakes her head in exasperation, “Ryan’s an even bigger pain. Don’t get me wrong, he’s great, but could stand to dial back the bossiness. You probably know him better.”

“Oh, I know that Ryan,” I confess, feeling my cheeks warm. “One minute you’re under his spell, the next you’re ready to throttle him.”

Gina smirks, her gaze sharp. “You really do know him.”

I clear my throat, suddenly self-conscious. As if seeing my discomfort, she lets me off the hook and changes topics. “So, you know what you’re in for tonight, right?”

“I have a vague idea.” I think.

“Think of it as a tactical formation. The front liners are all sweetness and strategy, softening you up for the Reubens, who are more like snarling guard dogs.”

I didn’t expect less, given what Ryan has already told me. “What’s your advice then?”

“Be yourself. I know it sounds cliché, but honestly, you’re amazing,” Gina reassures me. Seeing my skeptical look, Gina presses, “Lucinda’s my close friend you know.”

“My assistant?” I clarify, again masking my surprise. I don’t think Gina is a snob but I’m still slightly taken aback that a high-profile lawyer and billionaire heiress would have regular friends.

“Yep. We got into a bit of gossip the other day. Apparently, the folks at BodyLift were all really intimidated by you in the beginning.”

“Really, why?”

“She says you have a unique way of doing things, and coupled with your straight-talking and no-nonsense attitude, most of them thought they wouldn’t last. But they’re now getting to know how sweet you really are.”

“Cue the pudgy iguana phase,” I mutter, allowing a full grin to spread across my face.

“What was that?”.

“Just some inside joke,” I wave it off, reluctant to steer the conversation to Ryan again.

“So, you see, I don’t doubt for a second you’ll have the Fairchilds wrapped around your finger in no time. You’re a force,” she says with a conviction that’s infectious.

Overwhelmed by her faith in me, I envelop her in a grateful hug. “Thanks, Gina. That means the world.”

She gets a glint in her eyes. “How about we seal that gratitude with a little glam session and some insider intel on the who’s who tonight?”