I dry my hand on the towel wrapped around my head before texting back my thanks.
I can only hope that hour would be enough time. We’ve never been apart this long since things got real between us. He also doesn’t know I’m coming. I make a mental note to pack myself a change of clothes, just in case something gets ruined, a likely possibility.
I wrap myself in a fluffy robe and then pad over to the vanity. Reaching under the sink for my razor, I come up empty-handed.
Shoot, I’ve used the last one.
I glance at Ryan’s side of the bathroom, a mischievous smile on my lips. He once mentioned I could use his razor since he hardly ever does, preferring his personal groomer instead—and it’s one of those fancy heated ones, too. Sweet.
Crossing to his side, I rummage through the first couple of drawers. Not finding it among the usual items, I move to the overhead lighted cabinet. I spot the shaver on its charging stand and stretch on tiptoes to grab it, but I end up pulling down a small velvet pouch as well. It hits the floor, spilling its contents.
I look down to see a tri-stone signet ring spinning by my feet, as if taunting me.
The gemstones are in three shades of blue: sapphire, turquoise, and aquamarine, each of the stones catching the light. My heart thuds painfully as realization dawns on me.
The razor clatters to the floor and drop to my knees, tears flooding my eyes. I’ve seen this ring too many times in Viv’s drawings, and heard her describe it in astonishing detail, not to recognize it instantly.
Vivian. Oh my God. Vivian!
As soon as I get back to my own room, I lock the door, go into my nearly empty walk-in closet, and call Bonnie.
“Stella, are you there!” Bonnie’s worried voice cuts through, making me realize I’d gone silent over the phone.
“I’m here.” I stay huddled on the floor, tears streaming down my face. I stare at the accursed ring on the thick carpet beside me. It’s an heirloom of some sort, made of gold.
Bonnie squeals, “I can’t believe you’re calling now! Did Ethan tell you?”
“Tell me what?” I hold in my hiccups long enough to hear a drawn-out moan and then a series of panting. “Bonnie? Are you...?” I can’t even finish the question as the answer becomes obvious.
“Oh shit, hang on.” Then, after a full minute, she sighs and continues. “Yep, my water broke not long ago, and it hurts like a bitch, but yeah, I’m otherwise fine for another ten or fifteen minutes. I can’t believe Ethan called you.”
I pause, fighting back my sobs. The last thing Bonnie needs right now is me piling my problems on her. “Are you okay?” My voice comes out choked, thick with tears.
Bonnie all but screeches. “Now he’s gone and made you cry! Why the hell would he tell you anyway? There’s Brooke, and there’s Sabrina, who’s had twins, for heaven’s sake!”
I manage to compose myself enough to speak. “No, Ethan didn’t tell me anything. But, Bonnie, are you okay? Is Ethan with you right now?”
“Oh yeah, he’s here now. He’s just getting ready to leave for the hospital and taking forever. I hope he knows how to deliver a baby because, at this rate, he may well have to.” She yells it loudly enough, presumably so Ethan can hear her.
My heart thumps in fear as I remember the day Vivian went into labor, her last day on earth. This time I can’t hold back the sobs.
“What’s wrong Stella?”
“Oh God, everything! Everything is wrong.”
Her tone gentles. “Babe, I swear to you I will be fine; I’m just in a bad mood, that’s all. You know City Memorial has the best doctors.”
She must think my panic is all about Viv, that I’m reliving the trauma. And perhaps part of me is. “It’s not that,” I assure her, even as I question my own words.
“What’s the matter then? Why are you crying?”
Suddenly, my reasons for calling, the ring, the revelations—they all seem trivial compared to what she’s going through. “It’s nothing. You’re in labor. That’s what matters right now.”
“Don’t even think about it, Stella. Tell me now!” she finishes on another near-yell. I can’t tell if she’s having another contraction or just being a massive grouch.
“How far apart are your contractions?”
She dismisses my concern with an impatient huff. “Stella forget that! You never cry. What is going on with you?”