I open my mouth to ask what is in it but I’m cut off by a ringing chime, drawing my attention to a dais across the room. There, a finely dressed man, holding an air of authority that is evident from where I sit, stands looking over the shoulder of a much shorter dark-haired woman. He says something, and she smiles, walking away.

He clears his throat and throws his arms out wide. “Welcome to a night of sin and debauchery.” His voice echoes from every corner of the lounge, and he drops his arms, placing one hand in the center of his chest. “My name is Steffan Lykaios. For those of you who’ve been a member of my club and delved into our sins previously, this night will truly be different from anything you’ve partaken in before. For tonight, every single person here will immerse themselves in the darkest depths of their sinful nature and not surface until dawn.”

His piercing green gaze drifts over everyone in the room, locking on me with his last statement, causing goosebumps to rise on my arms, and a shiver of anticipation skates up my spine.

“As the lights flicker to a new color, one that matches that of your bracelet, let your inhibitions fall away and step inside the waiting elevators, for it’s time to embark on your journey of sin and corruption.” As his last word echoes through the large room, he spins on his heels and walks off with a flourish, slipping out a door in the back.

The lights in the room flicker from a soft white glow to a beautiful shade of purple.

“And let the games begin,” Cole murmurs, taking a sip of amber liquid from his glass.

“What color are you?” I ask, and he lifts his arm, the cuff of his jacket sliding back to reveal a gold band around his wrist.

Before either of us can say anything more, the lights in the room fade to a bright golden hue.

“That’d be me.” Cole places a large, warm hand high on my thigh, giving it a slight squeeze. “Relax, Devin, and try to enjoy a carefree night,” he says and places a quick kiss, a mere press of his lips, on my cheek.

I stare mutely at his back as he threads his way through the crowd to the waiting elevators. My hand rises on its own, my fingertips pressing against my heated skin where his lips grazed my face. In that moment, a flashback to Johnny in junior high filters through my mind. My first and last real innocent kiss.

Cole turns around, his eyes locking with mine, and he winks. He fucking winks, a devilish glint in his gaze.

What the hell was that?

I down the last of my drink as the lights turn to a pale pink and place my glass on the bar.

“Another drink, miss?” the bartender asks.

“Yes, please.” I glance down at my bracelet, remembering the flame like coloring. I huff a heavy sigh and once again ask myself why the hell I’m here?

A fresh drink is placed in front of me, and an odd thought hits me. “Can I take this with me when they call my color?” I mean, don’t get me wrong, I can finish it in a few swallows if I must, but I’d rather savor it.

“Of course, miss.” The smile that splits the younger man’s face is infectious, and I can’t help but smile back.

“Perfect,” I say as green lighting fills the space, making us all look a little like aliens. Looking around the room, a new, lighter laughter bubbles up inside me at the sight.

As quickly as the green appeared, it departs, and flames of orange descend on the room. “Here goes nothing,” I mumble to myself and slide off my stool.

I walk through the small crowd of people towards the waiting elevator. Inside appear to be five other guests, including the leggy brunette from earlier.

She rolls her eyes when she sees me approaching before leaning forward with a sardonic smirk. The door slowly slides across the opening, and it hits me, she fucking pressed the button to close the damn door. What a bitch.

“Hold the door, please,” I call out, forcing my way through two waiting guests. “Excuse me,” I grunt when they finally part.

A hand shoots out through the remaining crack in the elevator, blocking the heavy metal door and forcing it to reopen. Bright hazel eyes pin me in place. The tip of his pink tongue peeking between his full lips. A heavy weight settles low in my belly, and I have to choke down the throaty moan threatening to cut itself free of my body.

“Fuck me,” I say, seemingly to myself. But the tilt of his lips, and the crinkle around his eyes, tells me he heard me. Loud and clear.


The ride up in the elevator is awkward and tense. I hold my breath, the burn building in the base of my lungs having a grounding effect as I beg and plead with my nerves to chill the fuck out. A chime echoes in the small space, indicating we’ve reached our floor. As the door slowly slides to the left, I catch myself leaning into the man who held the door for me to peek through the open crack, my curiosity getting the better of me again.

A cough in my ear shakes me from my reverie, and I snap back to attention. “I’m sorry,” I whisper and take a small step to the side, running into the brunette.

Her huff of indignation serves to light a flame of irritation deep in my gut. I’m not one to get upset, play petty games, or hold grudges easily. But something about this woman rubs me the wrong way.

I quickly turn around. Even in my heels, she has at least four inches on me. I look up and level her with my best pissed off glare. “Who the fuck do you think you are? You’ve said exactly zero words to me, and yet, you’ve been nothing but a bitch to me since I arrived.” I pause, raking my eyes from her hair to her well-manicured toes peeking out from the tips of her black stilettos. I shake my head and release a heavy sigh. “We’re here to have fun. To enjoy our night. So, why don’t you take that stick out of your ass and at least attempt to let the rest of us enjoy ourselves.” I might be a quiet librarian, avoiding the spotlight, but when pushed too far, I will stand my ground. And dammit all, she deserved it.

Turning back around, I hold my head higher and exit the elevator to the sounds of choked snickering from the other passengers.