“Everything’s going to be okay, little lamb,” I whisper, and let her get everything out until she’s ready to sit in her seat and talk.

It isn’t long before Devin pulls herself together and sits back up in the chair. Instead of taking the seat I did when I first arrived, I choose the seat directly beside her. Reaching out, I take her hand in mine and hold on.

“Listen, Devy, don’t get mad, but I heard some of your conversation on the phone. I understand someone broke into your apartment.”

She nods but doesn’t speak otherwise.

“I can help you. I work in private security. I can make your apartment safe again.”

A sigh escapes her, and her body visibly relaxes. “Please,” she whispers.

Still holding her hand, I stand and help her up from her seat. I lead the way out of the café and to my truck parked around the block.

“How did you know I’d be at the café?” she asks me as I settle into the driver’s seat.

“Truth?” I say with a nervous smile.

“I’d prefer the truth.”

Flicking on my turn signal, I merge into the flow of traffic. “I didn’t. I’ve been visiting the café every day in hopes of running into you again. Total stalker move, I know.”

She wrings her hands in her lap and doesn’t look in my direction as she says, “I’m glad you showed up tonight.”

I reach over the center console and place my hand over hers. She links our fingers together, holding my hand tightly between both of hers as if she’s afraid I’ll let go. Not a fucking chance in hell.

“So, I’m driving blind here. Care to share where am I going?”

“Oh, right. Two more blocks, large brick apartment building on the right. There’s a parking garage around the back.”

I follow her directions around the back of the building to a small parking garage.

“All the way to the front, the last two spots next to the elevator are mine,” she says.

Putting the truck in park, we exit in unison. I reach over the side into the bed of the truck and grab a black duffle bag full of security tools and equipment.

Devin eyes my bag suspiciously. “You just happened to have that handy in case some damsel needed her apartment secured?” she quips with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

“Always be prepared. That’s the Boy Scout motto,” I say, giving her a three-finger salute.

“You’re telling me you were a Boy Scout?” she jokes, leading to the industrial size elevator.

“Maybe, maybe not. Maybe I’ll tell you one day,” I say and pull the gate closed as Devin hits the button to her floor.

Devin leads me up to her apartment, where we find an elderly man pulling her door closed.

“Oh, Miss Black, there you are. Your neighbor downstairs heard some noises coming through her ceiling. I came up to check on you and found your door hanging open, but you didn’t answer when I called out. I was just about to call the cops,” he says, his voice wavering with age.

Before Devin can reply, I cut in. “Did anyone come by today asking to be let into her apartment?”

“And who are you?” he asks me.

“My name’s Lucian Gallagher, private security.” I pull a business card from the small case tucked inside the pocket on the side of my bag and hand it to him. He takes the card, inspecting it as I continue. “Miss Black’s apartment was broken into earlier this evening, so I’m here to add extra security and investigate the situation to ensure her safety. Now, can you please tell me if anyone came around asking about being let into her apartment?”

I glance at Devin out of the corner of my eye. Her eyes are wide as she stares at me. A chuckle crawls up my throat at her expression, but I manage to maintain the serious, no nonsense private security expression I’ve perfected over the years.

“There was a gentleman poking around earlier today. I didn’t catch his name or who he was visiting, but he wasn’t here long. He didn’t speak with me, but I believe he spoke with the gentleman who lives downstairs. You might check with him.”

“I will. Thank you for your help and for looking out for Miss Black—” I leave my statement open-ended for him to insert his name, stick out my hand, and wait for him to clasp it.