Page 34 of Smoke's Flame

Smoke brings his hands up and wraps them around my wrists. I’m disappointed when pulls my hands away from his chest. “I think we need to slow our roll. We had a whole night of intimacy, and it was fantastic. I’m just not sure we’re doing the right thing by having a short-term affair, only to toss aside the good thing we’re creating here. I like having you around, and I don’t want to do anything that would jeopardize our friendship.”

“Are you saying this because my brother freaked out on you?”

“Yes and no. Siege has a right to be worried. You just blew into town and landed right on my cock within a few weeks. You need to take a minute to catch your breath and get settled before setting us up in a friends with benefits situation.”

Since Smoke is standing here with a raging hard on, talking to me about slowing things down, I think he’s just freaked out by Siege doing his protective big brother routine. I decide that slowing things down might be the right call for us, because I want to give him time to fall in love with me and for that to happen, there has to be enough space between us for him to miss being with me. It might sound corny, but I always date to marry, I’ve never been interested in playing the field. Therefore, I need to take a step back and make sure moving in the direction of a real relationship is something I really want. It might be that once I get to know him better, I find he has all kinds of strange, off-putting quirks.

I hate the idea, but I pretend like it’s the best idea he’s ever had. “Okay, let’s friendzone each other and get through the three months I’ve agreed to work for you.”

“That sounds like a good plan,” he responds despondently, and I wonder why he sounds sad about it, seeing as it was his idea in the first place. He then adds, “Now, how about we grab something to eat.”

“What are you thinking?” I ask.


“Absolutely. That sounds like a great idea.” I try to keep my tone light but I’m kind of pissed that he took away my new favorite toy. I have to force myself to be patient. My goal is seeing if a relationship works out, not just bouncing on his cock nonstop. But God, bouncing on his cock is so good.

“Give me a minute to grab a shower and change clothes,” he says as he heads off in the direction of the ensuite bath.

I wander into the bedroom and fuss over the limited options in my bag. I change my casual shirt for a nice silk blouse and slip on the pumps I wore last night to dress up my neat, clean-cut jeans. When I pull my hair up into a messy bun it’s just enough to pull off a classy, casual look. Last night I might have been trying to seduce him with my risqué outfit choice, but if we are going to keep things strictly platonic—at least until I know where this is going—then I’ll tone it down.

I walk out into the living room to give Smoke some privacy to get dressed. My phone jingles and I assume it’s Siege wanting to rant in my ear about why I didn’t come home like he told me to.

However, when I pull the phone out expecting a message from my brother, it’s just Mr. Crazy Pants. This time he’s sent a picture of a voodoo doll with a needle piercing its heart. I wish I knew who had this number before me. I’d love to give her a heads up about this guy. That reminds me, it’s yet another thing to add to my growing ‘to do’ list.

When I got introduced to the newer club brothers, there was one guy who was an IT specialist. Maybe he can find a way to see who’s sending this stuff? I’ll ask Smoke about it later.

I close the message and pull up Gina’s contact information. I frown down at my phone. My friend still hasn’t responded to my last few text messages. That’s not like her as she usually replies straight away. I call her, thinking maybe she simply overlooked my messages or has gotten swamped with work. Unfortunately, the phone just rings out before it switches to voicemail. Maybe she’s out doing last minute shopping or on a date. Sighing, I leave her a short, positive message and tell her to call me when she gets a chance.

Just as I’m sliding my phone back into my pocket Smoke comes into the living room looking refreshed and revitalized and almost takes my breath away. He’s wearing dark jeans, a button up cotton shirt and his black leather cut. He looks absolutely amazing.

“Wow, you clean up good,” I tease him. It’s weird but I consider our business suits to be kind like a uniform. They don’t impress me much. Casual clothing is where Smoke shines.

He sits on the sofa to put his boots on and grins up at me. “I could say the same thing about you, but you always look well put together.”

“Aww, you’re sweet as always.”

Within a few moments of getting on Smoke’s motorcycle, we’re at the pub. I like this particular place, because the food is good, and the background music is rock’n’roll rather than elevator music. We end up at a cozy table in the back and start the evening off sharing a bottle of white wine.

“You looked like hell when you came home today. I’m curious to know what happened.”

“I like your blunt approach,” Smoke responds. “Some local outlaws broke into one of our properties and began destroying it. Naturally, we had to go out and stop them. Things got ugly. A couple of my brothers got shot at but thank goodness no one was seriously hurt. It was more aggravating and inconvenient than anything.”

I swirl my wine around in the glass as I listen to his words. “Why didn’t you just call the cops?”

He snorts a laugh, “Princess, you know the score about cops and bikers. We’ve tried alerting them of a breaking and entering before. They told us to hire security like normal folks and leave them alone.”

“Oh wow, I wouldn’t have guessed law enforcement would be quite so lazy.”

“Welcome to Las Salinas. Criminals proliferates, and law enforcement obliviates.”

I smile at his twisted words. “Should I assume the Legion got it all sorted out?”

“Yes ma’am,” he responds firmly. “The prospects are in the process of cleaning up the mess they made as we speak.”

“I’ve noticed the Savage Legion prospects are like energizer bunnies. They just keep going and going and going.”

Smoke shoots me a smug grin. “Every man in the Legion is that way, not just the prospects.”