Page 25 of Smoke's Flame

“Stop now. You’re making me blush.” He wasn’t, because I was used to his over the top flattery by now.

“No seriously, if you don’t stop me, I’ll scoop you up, carry you off to my tower and guard you more jealously than any dragon ever guarded his hoard.”

“Jesus, you sound like someone who played too much Dungeons and Dragons as a child.”

“Is that your way of calling me a geek?” The incredulous look on his face was all kinds of cute.

Smoke was adorable when I teased him. “You’re older than me.”

“That should be an advantage. Older men know things,” he says wryly.

“Now you have me thinking about what a real date with you would be like,” I say as we walk into the coffee shop, place our order, and then grab a seat.

“I’m interested to know what your idea of date between you and I would look like.”

“You’re putting me on the spot right now, aren’t you?”

“We’ve been working together for a few weeks and things have been good between us. Can you blame me for being curious about your interests and boundaries.”

Ahh, he wants to know my hobbies and if he can expect sex if we end up on a date. I think it over for a minute before answering. “I’ve always wanted to take a road trip by motorcycle up to Niagara Falls. I love waterfalls and I’ve never been to that one before. All the pictures make it seem so romantic.”

Smoke and I take our coffee from the server who stops by our table and continue the conversation. He takes a sip of his hot brew before speaking. “I’ve always thought of Niagara Falls as a honeymoon venue.”

I lean on one upturned palm and think about how lovely a wedding by a waterfall would be. “Any waterfall then. It doesn’t even have to be an international romantic hot spot.”

He smiles at me, “Waterfalls in general have an air of romance, I suppose.”

I make a gesture for him to talk. “Your turn. What’s your idea of a great date for you and me?”

“You probably don’t want to know,” he says as he steals another sip from his cup.

“I do. You have to tell because I went first as an act of trust.”

“My idea of the perfect first date is us doing dinner and maybe a show. It ends with you riding my cock at the scenic outlook.”

I choke on my coffee and have to cough my way through it. “Say what now?” I stammer. “What if someone were to see us.”

“That’s what makes it a fantasy. It’s not like we can do it in real life.” The sweet, sexy tease in his voice it like a gut punch but in the best way.

“You never know, sometimes fantasies come true,” I tell him.

“You, my friend, are a gigantic tease.”

The warmth in his voice really pulls me in. If this man knew how hard my clit was throbbing at the thought of riding his cock at a scenic locale, he would not think I was joking around about this.

“Well, if you’re not into riding my cock at public places, we could always take a hike. I happen to know of a beautiful waterfall, not far from here. I swear, the first time I laid eyes on it, my soul left my body for a moment. That’s how stunning it was.”

I look into his beautiful green eyes and think it over for about half a second before agreeing. “That sounds absolutely amazing.” It’s strange how when Smoke and I are together, it feels like we’ve been dating for years, even though we’ve never actually been on a date together.

“I’d love to get all hot and sweaty with you in a non-sexual way.”

He chuckles. “A lot of guys wouldn’t be receptive to a proposal like that. But I accept your offer in the spirit it was intended.”

I take a sip of my coffee and daydream about us sitting side by side in front of a waterfall in the wilderness. It would be just the two of us. Maybe we’d decide to take off our clothing and go skinny dipping. We might even steal a kiss behind the waterfall where no one could see. Then again, if no one can see, why limit ourselves to just kissing? A short silence spins out between us as I piece together a romantic fantasy revolving around our visit to the waterfall he mentioned.

When I glance up, I can see his little wheels are turning too. “Are you thinking of me riding your cock in front of the waterfall.”

His eyes got big. “What kind of witchery is this? Do you read minds or something?”