I would have to up my workouts if I was going to be performing at the top of my game as a headliner when that came around in two months. When the stagehands stared at me a few moments too long, I climbed to my feet and marched my way back to the dressing room, discarding the shoes into my capsule nest. The clothing was easy enough to replace, but the shoes weren’t. The sales of our outfits and undies were split with the club and covered the cost of new performance clothes.
My capsule nest was open and ready for me. I climbed in, rolling through the blankets and curling up for a few brief moments to rest. Tucking into the darkness was like coming home. Every blanket was so soft and regularly replenished by the local Nest is Best. If I didn’t have my own nest at home, I’d have been pissed at the club selling off our nesting items for a tidy profit.
Sleep clung to me, but I couldn’t nap yet. I had about twenty minutes before I had to get back out there to dance. I’d been right to keep myself out of rotation tonight. I wasn’t up to dealing with people at all.
“Come on out, babe.”
I lifted a head that felt like a boulder to look at Auggie. “Hmm?”
“Your break is over. They’re waiting on you.” He popped a squat next to the opening of my capsule. “Do you need to go home?”
“No, I can do it.” I crawled out of the nest with a groan, stumbling into him when I stood.
“Whoa, there. Okay, you are not going out on stage. You’ll break an ankle wearing your shoes.” Auggie sat me back on the ground. “Do you want to call your mystery boy or wait until I’m done for the night so I can drive you home?”
I couldn’t call Luca here. Maybe I could walk down the street to the convenience store and get picked up from there.
Auggie watched me debate with myself before sighing and parking himself next to me. “You know your life would be much easier if you told your boy what you do on the weekends.”
“But what if…?” I sucked in a breath, panic thickening my words. “What if he doesn’t like me after he finds out?”
“Then we tell him to go fuck himself.”
I snorted, fighting the urge to crawl back into the nest. “You really think now’s the time?”
“No time like the present. How’re you going to feel if things last with this guy, and I know, I know, it’s casual, but if you’re casual a year from now, you’re going to be way more heartbroken if he shows shitty true colors than if you nip it in the bud now.”
I knew he was right. “Okay. Let me get my phone out of my locker.”
Auggie helped me walk there and I leaned against him while I texted Luca.
Are you awake?
What’s up?
Could you come pick me up?
Of course I can
Where are you?
“You gotta be brave, babe.” Auggie watched me type out the address for the club.
Maps says it’s 27 minutes away
I’m getting ready to leave right now