Page 81 of Twilight Sins

“You and I didn’t even know each other.”

“Doesn’t matter,” I tell her. “You joined the list of people I’m close to the moment you walked up to my table.”

She frowns. “Why would they go after me? I’m nobody. Isn’t killing your father enough of a blow?”

The world is full of nobodies. Blank faces that make up the background of my life. Luna is not one of those people. She’s somebody to me, which is why Akim picked his target well. Anyone else and I may have let them die.

“It was enough… until I got my revenge.”

“What does that mean? How did you get revenge?”

I shake my head. “That’s not something you need to know.”

“Okay. Okay, but—” She takes a deep breath. “They killed your father; you did something mysterious that I don’t know about in retaliation—I get that. What I don’t get is what in the hell this has to do with Benjy! Did you know who I was before we met at the restaurant? How is he involved in all of this?”

My molars grind together. I hate hearing her say his name. I hate that, even if I had snapped his neck that night and tossed him to the curb like trash, nothing could erase the history he has with Luna.

“Benjy hurt you.”

“Okay,” she says slowly. “What does that have to do with you? Why do you have his file in your desk?”

“I told you when we walked out of that restaurant together that I would keep you safe.”

“But Benjy happened years ago. Way before you and I ever met. He doesn’t?—”

I curl a finger under her chin and lift her eyes to me. “He hurt you. You don’t deserve that. So I took care of it.”

Her brow furrows as she begins to understand. “How… how did you take care of it?”

I don’t answer, but I can see Luna putting the pieces together. She looks at my left eye. The bruise is long gone now, but Luna remembers.

“That night you came home with a black eye… that was…”

“A lucky shot,” I growl. “He didn’t get another one.”

Her blue eyes widen as what I’m saying starts to make sense. Then slowly, Luna grabs my wrist. She twines her fingers through mine as she drops to her knees in front of me.

Her hair curls over her shoulders in golden, sleepy waves. She gathers them in one hand and pushes all of her hair behind her back.

“What are you doing?” My cock stiffens as she slides her other hand up my thigh.

“I already told you.”

Before she reaches my zipper, I yank her back up to her feet.

She blinks in surprise. “What’s wrong?”

“What’s wrong is that, if I come, I don’t want to be in your mouth.” I push her back on my desk and her legs wrap around my waist. “I’m going to be buried deep inside of you.”



Yakov shreds through my silk pajama bottoms with one sharp tug. My panties are shoved to the side even faster. Between one breath and the next, he plunges two fingers into me.

“You are already ready for me,” he snarls in my ear.

“I’m always ready for you.” I plant my palms on the desk behind me so I don’t collapse. Files spill across the desk and flutter to the floor.