Page 71 of Twilight Sins

Then Luna fists the comforter and arches her back. She lifts her hips so I somehow slide even deeper.

“Fuck.” I press my thumbs to the divots at the base of her spine and pull her against me.

She moans. “You’re so deep, Yakov. Don’t stop.”

I won’t. I can’t.

That’s the problem.

Right now, Luna is in my hands. She’s helpless against me. And I can’t stop.

“Right there,” she cries, her thighs shaking. “I’m coming.”

She tightens around me and I don’t stand a chance. I spill into her while a string of curses pours out of my mouth.

When we’re done, Luna presses her still-damp hand to my chest. “Thank you for that. Wow. Thank you.”

I grabbed her without a word, threw her on my bed, and fucked her. And she thanked me.

She trusts me.

The most fucked part of it all…

Is that I like it.

Luna has been asleep for hours.

I’ve been wide awake.

Lying in bed at first, then standing in the kitchen with a drink in my hand. And then another. And another.

Now, I’m in the living room with the lights off and the TV on low.

It’s something I’ve done a million times before. When the house is too quiet and I can’t sleep, I turn on the TV and wait for exhaustion or the sun. Whichever comes first.

The difference tonight is that the house isn’t quiet. Luna is breathing softly in my bed. I listened to her, in and out and in, for hours. The entire time thinking, What in the hell am I doing?

There’s a reason I don’t bring women into my house or into my life. There’s a reason I haven’t had anything beyond a one-night stand in years. Luna is the first woman I’ve touched more than once in as long as I can remember.

But that reason feels harder and harder to hold onto when Luna is in front of me. Or, fuck me, naked in my tub. My cock twitches like the traitor it is.

I drop down onto the couch and lay my head back on the cushion. The alcohol was supposed to cut through whatever emotional bullshit was brewing inside of me, but it’s made it worse. Driving into Luna earlier, I was pissed. I was mad at myself for bringing her here. I was mad at her for pulling me in.

Now I’m… I’m drinking alone in the dark watching an infomercial while Luna sleeps naked in my bed.

Then a white blur flies off the floor and lands on the cushion next to me. Two deep blue eyes peer up at me.

The fucking cat.

As if things weren’t bad enough.

“Don’t you have a box somewhere to go shit in?” I snap. “Or a hairball to hack up?”

Gregory stares at me, tail swishing behind him.

“The only reason you’re here is because of Luna. If it was up to me, you’d be a starved-out husk in her apartment by now.”

The cat blinks.