Page 138 of Twilight Sins

She shakes her head. “But he grabbed me. He told me I owed him. He was going to?—”

“He isn’t going to do anything to you.” Or anyone else. Ever again.

I run my hands down her arms, examining every inch of her.

“Am I okay?” she asks softly. “Did he?—”

“If you say it, I’ll kill Sergey long before I’m ready to.” Just the thought of him breathing the same air as Luna now has me clenching my teeth. I brush a few stray hairs away from her face. “I got here in time.”

She sinks into the couch cushions and sighs. “Is Mariya okay?”

My sister’s name rocks me back on my heels. I don’t need to look around the room to know Mariya isn’t here. We’re alone.

Luna takes one look at my face and sits up. “Sergey told me one of his friends grabbed Mariya and?—”

In an instant, I whirl around and grab Sergey by the throat. Oleg knows enough to let the man go and get the fuck out of my way. I drive him back against the glass wall hard enough that I hear his teeth clack together.

“Where is my sister?”

Sergey’s eyes go wide. “Your sister? I didn’t know?—”

“That’s not an answer.” I throw him against the glass again. This time, a small crack forms in the pane behind his head. “Try again. Where is my sister?”

“I didn’t know your sister was?—”

I release his neck and slam my fist into his face exactly where he hit Luna. The skin splits, blood instantly pouring down his cheek. The crack in the glass behind him splinters further.

He tries to inch away from the fall that wouldn’t kill him, though it would hurt like hell. I don’t let him. I drive him further into the glass.

“Where. Is. My. Sister?”

The glass begins to buckle under the pressure. I’m so tempted to shove him through it. First, I need him to reply.

“You don’t need to be able to walk in order to give me answers,” I growl. “I’ll shove you through this window, you worthless piece of shit. If your legs break in the fall, I’ll do you a favor and saw them off.”

I press harder against his chest. The glass groans. He whimpers and then the words pour out of him. “My friend! She went with my friend! They left through a back door before I came up here.”

The glass pane gives way just as I yank Sergey back. Shards rain down on the club two floors below. People start shouting, but I ignore them. I kick Sergey towards the stairs.

“Show me.”



“This is where they w-went,” Sergey stammers. He’s spinning in the damp alley like a drunken top. “I saw him. They went through the back door. He should be—They were supposed to be?—”

A few minutes ago, Sergey was the most terrifying thing I could imagine. Now, that title belongs fully and completely to Yakov. He looms over Sergey, power rippling off of him. He slams a hand into the center of Sergey’s chest and the man flies against the brick wall.

“Every second of my time you waste is another knuckle you lose.” Yakov pulls something out of his back pocket and flicks it open. A silver blade glints in the watery yellow streetlights. He presses it to the side of Sergey’s pointer finger. Before the man can even beg, it’s gone.

I watch in horror as a pale-colored nub hits the pavement and rolls into a puddle.

Sergey screams, but Yakov chokes off the sound with a forearm to his throat. “Screaming wastes seconds. When I’m done with fingers, I’ll move onto other body parts.”

“I d-don’t know,” he sobs, shaking under Yakov’s glare. “I barely know the g-guy. It was all his idea, anyway. I just wanted to talk and?—”

Yakov shifts the blade lower on the bloody stump of Sergey’s finger. My empty stomach lurches. I spin towards the wall in case I throw up.