Page 126 of Twilight Sins

“It’s neither. It’s my business. It’s also not the fucking point.”

“Then please, for the love of God,” she whines, “get to the point!”

I grit my teeth and count to ten so I don’t succumb to my temptation to throw Mariya in the dungeon for the duration of her stay here. “You said you want to be treated like an adult. Well, here’s your chance. Get your shit together, follow my rules, and prove to me that you’re ready to make adult decisions.”

“Yes, sir.” Mariya lifts her fingers in a salute and then rolls her eyes.

I’ve snapped femurs for less disrespect than that, but it’s as good as it’s going to get. It’s better than “yes, Father,” so I count it as a win.

I leave and pull her door shut behind me.

Nik is standing in the hallway, his shoulder resting against the wall. I told him to be here first thing in the morning to talk about what to do now that I’m greenlit. I figured he wouldn’t get here until closer to sunrise.

He takes one look at my face and winces. “Parenting got you down?”

“I’m not her parent. I’m—” Shit, I don’t know what I am anymore. “I’m keeping her safe.”

“If she follows your rules,” he warns. He peeks over at me. “Do you think she will?”

Behind me, the lock on Mariya’s door clicks into place.

I sigh. “I really fucking doubt it.”



I drop a handful of licorice into a vase in the center of the coffee table and step back to admire my handiwork. A usual girls’ night with my friends involves significantly more alcohol and significantly less gummy candies shaped like animals, but since Mariya can’t drink, I think I did a nice job.

Gregory stretches up on his back legs to sniff at a cheese puff. I bat him away.

“You already had catnip. Don’t be greedy.”

He opens his mouth like he might hiss before he lifts his tail and saunters away. I caught Yakov “accidentally” dropping scrambled eggs on the floor for him this morning. Gregory is getting spoiled in this house.

I hear footsteps behind me, and since Yakov and Nik have been out of the house all day, I know it’s Mariya.

“All of the junk food categories are represented,” I announce without turning around. I point out each quadrant as I go. “We have your gummies, both standard and sour varieties. Then the chocolate spectrum from white to dark—my personal favorite. Finally, savory snacks. We have five different types of chips with three kinds of dips and some popcorn.”

I finish my spiel, ridiculously proud of my planning abilities—right up until I turn around and see Mariya standing in the doorway wearing a bedazzled halter top and matching skirt. She has on a full face of makeup and platform heels.

“Wow. You got dressed up for girls’ night.” I glance down at the gray sweats I stole from Yakov’s drawer. I had to roll them five times before they even remotely fit me. “Should I change?”

“Only if you want to come with me.”

I frown. “But we’re staying in. Movies. Trash TV. Candy.”

Mariya grimaces. “As much as I’d like to stay here and become one with the couch, I thought I might do something that’s actually fun instead.”

“This is fun.”

“No, right. Yeah.” She nods and surveys the room like I’m standing in front of my human hair collection and she’s trying not to scream in horror. “This is totally fun. It’s just not my vibe tonight. I need to dance.”

I look at the snack table again and slouch. I spent an hour making a list this morning. Hope bought all of the supplies at the store on her way into work. I put actual effort into this hangout. But I have way too much self-respect to admit that to Mariya.

“Don’t take this the wrong way, but I literally have to save you from this Depress Fest you’re throwing. You need to come with me.”

“Movie nights aren’t depressing! Snacks make things fun.”