Page 36 of Lars

Several emotions flashed over his face in rapid succession.

First, shock – that I would dare insult his manhood –

Second, extreme anger – Who the FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! –

And, finally, disdain – to show me You ain’t shit, bitch.

Not to mention the threat of sexual violence as the cherry on top.

“Since you seem so interested in my dick, puta, maybe I’ll whip it out and you can suck it.”

Of course he went there.

Of course he did.

So unoriginal… so not clever.

Just an asshole who liked to threaten women who made him feel small.

Speaking of ‘feeling small,’ I already knew how to hit back. He’d telegraphed his weak spot, so I just pressed on it a little more.

“I doubt I’d be able to find it, Sergeant,” I said, then held my finger and thumb in the air to suggest how small his penis was.

And just to twist the knife, I silently mouthed, So tiny!

I was provoking him, obviously.

Which was probably not wise.

No, scratch that: definitely not wise.

But… seriously.

FUCK this guy.

I got exactly the reaction I was expecting.

Delgado’s face darkened with rage, and he turned up the sexual threats to 11. “We’ll see if you still think that after I shove it up your ass.”

And then…

Everything changed.

Thirty feet behind Delgado, Henriksson stepped out of the shadows.

At first I was shocked. Henriksson was a jerk, but more of the I’m here to save you, little girl variety.

I hadn’t pegged him as a violent asshole like Delgado. I definitely hadn’t thought they were buddies working in tandem.

Then I saw Henriksson’s pistol.

A bolt of adrenaline surged through me –

Until I realized the gun was aimed at Delgado, not at me.

Everything clicked into place when Henriksson put his finger to his lips to shush me.
