I modestly replied that Dr. Bradwell was very kind to say that.
Farragut peered at me closely. “I also understand you have extensive training in martial arts. Krav Maga, in particular – although you also know judo and Brazilian jiu-jitsu.”
I frowned. I’d told Dr. Bradwell about the last two, but I’d never mentioned Krav Maga.
“How did you know that?” I asked.
“I looked into you a bit,” he said casually. “Bradwell said you’re not going into post-graduate studies, so what kind of jobs are you looking at?”
“I’m not sure. I’m considering the military. All I know is that I don’t want to be stuck behind a desk – that would bore me to tears.”
“What is it about the military that appeals to you?”
I shrugged. “Being in the outdoors… traveling…”
Farragut gave me the barest hint of a smile. “Fighting?”
“You already do that with your martial arts studies.”
“That’s hand-to-hand combat. I’d like to know how to shoot a gun.”
Farrugut’s smile broadened. “Oh, we can train you at that. We have some of the best in the world.”
Before I could ask who ‘we’ was in We have some of the best in the world, he asked me a startling question:
“Do you think you could kill someone?”
After my initial surprise, I thought back to the men who had tried to rape me when I was 14 years old.
I looked Farragut straight in the eye. “Absolutely.”
He seemed pleased with my answer.
That’s when he finally told me where he was from and why he’d come to see me.
Two minutes later, he offered me a job. I accepted.
I would be trained as a junior field agent for SIS…
More commonly known as MI6.
British Secret Intelligence.
After I graduated, I spent a year in training – then three years in the field doing all sorts of James-Bond-style undercover ops.
Which is how I found myself in Afghanistan…
Where I met Lars.
Up until that point, my father was the only man who had ever broken my heart.
So Lars wasn’t the first man who hurt me…
But he definitely hurt me the worst.
By far.