Page 141 of Lars


The back of his head exploded in a gout of red, and he collapsed backwards in the snow.

I ejected the shell and turned the scope towards the house, watching for anyone else who might come out with a gun.

No one did.

Either there wasn’t anyone inside, or they were being smart and had decided not to risk it.

If anybody else was in the house, they were calling the cops right about now. Although that probably meant a patrol car driven by the chief of police, the sole law enforcement officer for 50 miles.

Still, I didn’t want to tangle with law enforcement. I was not going to kill a cop – not unless it was a choice between me and him.

Which meant I needed to confirm the kill and get the hell out of there.

I swung the gun back over to Solberg. He wasn’t moving, and his head was unnaturally angled upwards against the base of the hut’s door. Not to mention a puddle of blood lay thick on the ice.

There was a 99.9% chance he was dead… but I still couldn’t see his face because of the parka hood, and I couldn’t leave without confirmation.

So I centered the crosshairs on the hood… breathed out… and pulled the trigger.


Direct hit.

I could see the entrance hole the bullet had ripped through the hood –

But his body didn’t move in the slightest.

He was dead, no question about it. He would have at least twitched if he was still alive.

I took one more look at the house: no movement.

I grabbed the three spent casings, gathered up my things, and quickly walked back along the icy shore.

When I reached the BMW, I stowed the guns so they couldn’t be seen, hid the brass casings under the floor mat, and drove out of the forest.

Once I reached Hesseng, I wiped down the guns to remove any fingerprints – just in case.

Then I called the number pre-programmed into the phone.

A male voice I didn’t recognize answered. “Is it done?”


“You confirmed it?”


“Any difficulties?”


“Good.” There was the sound of a keyboard clacking. “You still have time to catch the noon flight to Oslo and a connecting flight back to London. Any reason NOT to fly back today?”


More clacking on the keyboard.